The health of the Navy takes Dénia as the first stage of the strike to the cry of "fora Ribera Salut" The health of the Navy takes Dénia as the first stage of the strike to the cry of "fora Ribera Salut"

The health of the Navy takes Dénia as the first stage of the strike to the cry of "fora Ribera Salut"

May 04 from 2022 - 12: 55

A timid rain has welcomed around a thousand protesters for public health in the Marina Alta in the first demonstration called by the Marina Salud Business Committee. The whistles of the health workers and people in support of the cause have deafened the great Marquis of Campo de Dénia shouting "sanitat, equalitat!", "més sanitaris!" or "fora Ribera Salut!".

The demands were clear and this has been reflected in the main banner that has led the movement: "In the Navy every day we have menys salut. Volem més sanitaris, més cites i més interventions". Behind her a long queue of people joining forces for regional health. Among the various personalities, mayors such as Enrique Moll, from Pego, or Juan Chover, from Verger, have been seen among the mix of health workers and citizens. In addition to other associations such as UGT or AMADEM (Association for Mental Health Marina Alta).

The arrival at the Town Hall, the final scene of the strike, has covered the plaza with open umbrellas due to the rain that was intensifying by the minute. Even so, the conveners have been able to read the manifesto that recounted the harsh situation of the health workers in the region who see day after day how their colleagues have to leave in search of better working conditions.

With the words that ended the march, the toilets wanted to thank the assistance and citizen support. Finally, they have encouraged the participants to attend the demonstration called for tomorrow in the same hall from Dénia Hospital at 11:00 a.m.

  1. Martha says:

    Die Forderungen im Gesundheitsbereich der Marina Alt im öffentlichen Bereich werden endlich auf die Strassen gebracht

    Das medizinische Personal gibt sein Bestes trotz unangemessener Bedingungen seitens der Leitung und die Patienten
    müssen viel auf sich nehmen lange Wege lange Wartezeiten Absagen trotz Zusage einer OP

    Hört auf diese wichtigen Tatsachen zu ignorieren

    Jeder Mensch hier in der Marina Alta hat das Recht auch in der öffentlichen Gesundheitsversorgung schnell effektiv
    behandelt zu werden
    Das Fachspezifische Personal verstärkt und alle anderen medizinischen Mitarbeiter einen würdigen Arbeitsplatz erhalten
    und unterstützt werden
    Wir wünschen Allen Betroffenen viel Erfolg

  2. JonK says:

    I am reading the English versions of the I think you are using some rather poor translation program.
    In this article it is referred to the «Navy» A couple of times!?
    Also "the toilets" are mentioned as important a couple of times!?

  3. Ana says:

    I will always support the claims in the health field, what is inadmissible is that sick people and children who have had appointments canceled without warning, important appointments such as the administration of vaccines to babies, pay the consequences.

    • Luis says:

      It could be worse, that only the children of the rich were vaccinated. That is what they seek by privatizing services. Why isn't there a public Hospital from Denia to Alicante?
