The Marina Alta exceeds the incidence of 2.000 cases per 100.000 inhabitants The Marina Alta exceeds the incidence of 2.000 cases per 100.000 inhabitants

The Marina Alta exceeds the incidence of 2.000 cases per 100.000 inhabitants

January 10 from 2022 - 11: 59

The Ministry of Health has released new data on the evolution of the coronavirus pandemic by municipalities. Once again, infections continue to rise in the Marina Alta region. In the last week, the Department of Health Dénia has added 1081 new positives.

Since the start of the pandemic, the Marina Alta has registered 21.370 infections, of which 3.641 are currently active, 707 more than last Tuesday.

Image: Situation of the coronavirus in the Marina Alta as of January 10, 2022

Another negative data of this update is given by the number of deaths, which grows when registering a new death in Calp. Thus, the total number of deaths in the region since March 2020 is 222.

The incidence exceeds 2.000 cases per 100.000 inhabitants

With regard to the accumulated incidence, it shoots up again, surpassing the barrier of 2.000 cases per 100.000 inhabitants. Specifically, it stands at 2.133,92 cases per one hundred thousand inhabitants in the region, which is why it continues to remain at an extreme level of contagion.

In the rest of the municipalities, Xàbia and Dénia also exceed the incidence of 2.000 cases with 2171,53 infections in Dénia per 100.000 inhabitants, while in Xàbia it reaches 2.155,91.

The coronavirus situation by municipalities is as follows: Dénia adds 274 cases, Xàbia 162, Calp 105, Ondara 88, Pego 82, Benissa 77, Pedreguer 74, El Verger 65, Teulada-Moraira 63, Orba 29, Gata de Gorgos 18, El Poble Nou de Benitatxell 7, Beniarbeig 5, Benidoleig 5, Murla 5, Xaló 4, La Vall de Laguar 4, Benimeli 3, Els Poblets 2, Llíber 2, L'Atzúbia 1, Sagra 1, Tormos 1 and Castell de Castells 1 .

On this occasion, nine municipalities do not add any cases such as: La Vall de Gallinera, La Vall d'Alcalà, La Vall d'Ebo, Sanet i Negrals, El Ràfol d'Almúnia, Benigembla, Parcent, Alcalalí and Senija.

  1. Mike says:

    After two years of curfews, school closings, destruction of the middle class, tests, travel ban, masks, isolation, absence of social life, coercion for vaccination, do we have 2000 cases? Did not all these measures work then? Is the virus smarter than scientists? Is this incompetence? I hope not. What is it then?

  2. Luis says:

    It would be interesting if as journalists you could make known something more about the context and true impact of this news. Of the 2000 cases per 100000 inhabitants, how many are admitted to the hospital and the ICU? In the same period that the death of the person with COVID was registered (it remains for you to show that COVID is the main cause but that would be asking too much, right?) How many have died of cancer, heart problems, diabetes, just to mention these three serious diseases. Or is it that those deceased do not matter as much as those of supposedly COVID? Something tells me that you have this data or you could easily have it but you do not communicate it because your objective is more to maintain fear than to do real journalism. And if I'm wrong, prove it by publishing those figures. Or is it that real reporting is now denial? I believe that the true denier is the one who refuses to search, analyze and, in the case of journalists, communicate the truth. Until the next alarmist news gentlemen.
