The Pegoli government defends transparency in the "Pego Golf" process in the face of Compromís accusations The Pegoli government defends transparency in the "Pego Golf" process in the face of Compromís accusations

The Pegoli government defends transparency in the "Pego Golf" process in the face of Compromís accusations

06 March 2023 - 17: 28

The accusations launched by Compromís per Pego of "Hide information" regarding the procedure surrounding the Comprehensive Action Plan (PAI) of Pego Golf They have provoked an almost immediate reaction from the Pegoli government team, which has issued another statement clarifying the situation.

Given the opposition's statements, they defend a "transparency of the process, since the information arising from this procedure can be consulted in the municipal offices, requesting it through an entry register." The aforementioned explanation continues as follows:

The criticisms of the Compromís group confirm that they have not read the bases of the procedure and that, once again, they do not know how public institutions work and, especially, this type of process.

Faced with accusations of hiding information from the media, the councilor interviewed at the time confirmed that, for the time being, there was a company interested in the project. Since the start of the tender, no public publication has been made, nor has it been published in any media about which companies (with names) have decided to apply for the project. It is done out of respect for the process to avoid media or political pressure for any company that wants to apply.

In the case of the information provided to the owners affected by the process, it has been decided to inform them about the status of the process, after receiving their request to be informed. We believe that they have the right to be informed. In addition, we know that the owners are informed at all times of any movement, in fact, the representatives of the association, as well as other owners, have already held meetings with the company that has applied for the project at the moment. Although the City Council is not in a position to confirm anything categorically, because it must be remembered that the process is still open.

We insist that there is NO interest other than enforcing the process, it must be remembered that going back would mean that the owners who have bought plots could claim the lost profit from the council, so the City Council would have to assume a very high cost. high in compensation. In addition, once the bidding period is over, the result will be publicly exposed as in any other process, we repeat, there is no interest in hiding anything.

It must be remembered that the aforementioned expiration of the project has not occurred, the City Council has received a report ratified by technicians from the Ministry of Territorial Policy, Public Works and Mobility (Urban Planning) where it is indicated that the DIA has indefinite validity, because it is of a partial plan and these, once approved, are valid indefinitely. The cancellation of the developer agent has been carried out, to look for another, does not mean that the project is cancelled.

The response on the validity of the DIA by the Ministry of the Environment to a question from a Pegolí deputy, does not have any technical report that supports the response of the already former counselor Mireia Molla; or at least the City Council has not received any report in this regard, although the one from the Urban Planning Department has arrived, which also answered a question from Compromís.

Neither the Pego City Council nor any of the members of the government team have any hidden interest in one or the other company bidding for the project. No company can be denied participation if it meets all the established requirements. The process will comply with all the regulations (the City Council technicians will take care of this).

The Pego City Council is not the one who should judge judicial processes either, it will be the justice that is in charge of ruling.

We insist, we simply comply with a procedure that, in case of not doing so, can have economic repercussions on the municipal coffers.

Regarding the accusations by Compromís against the Town Planning councilor and the rest of the government team, we believe that they are not acceptable when there is total transparency in the process. If they can demonstrate any indication of illegality or personal interest on the part of any of the members of the executive, make it public. Perhaps they think that everyone acts like their party did during the approval of the PAI, when they were in local government.

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