"Xaló", in giant stone letters: The new tourist attraction of the municipality "Xaló", in giant stone letters: The new tourist attraction of the municipality

«Xaló», in giant stone letters: The new tourist attraction of the municipality

09 October 2021 - 19: 39

Today, coinciding with the festivity of October 9, the Xaló City Council has inaugurated its new meeting point and welcome to the municipality.

These are giant letters with the name of the municipality located at the entrance to Xaló, in front of the Verge Pobra Cooperative. The pegolí Miquel Costa Vicens is the author of this sculptural work that, as he explained to this editorial staff, began to prepare on April 14 and ended yesterday, before today's inauguration.

Huge letters, not just in sight, since each letter weighs about 6 tons. "Only the tittle of the ó of Xaló weighs 140 kg". "I wanted to make a work with stone that has life and that resembles the stone of the land, as if we had taken it from the mountain," Costa explained.

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