Puigpunyent (Mallorca) and Vall de Gallinera are now officially twinned towns Puigpunyent (Mallorca) and Vall de Gallinera are now officially twinned towns

Puigpunyent (Mallorca) and Vall de Gallinera are now officially twinned towns

28 March 2023 - 09: 39

On March 19, the Comissió de l'Agermanament de la Vall de Gallinera traveled to Majorcan lands to formalize the act of twinning with the municipality of Puigpunyent. The act took place in the Plaza Mayor of Puigpunyent, closing the process already started on October 23 in the Plaza de la Iglesia de Benialí, in the Vall de Gallinera.

The Comissió de Agermanament de la Vall de Gallinera, made up of the Municipal Corporation and representatives of the Unió Cultural d'Amics i Amigues de la Vall de Gallinera, enjoyed a show of Majorcan popular dances, in addition to the corresponding historical speeches by the host municipality.

With this action, the celebration of the 413th anniversary of the arrival of the first Mallorcan families in the Vall de Gallinera in October 1610 is closed. Specifically, Benissili, when the town was the territory of the Baronia d'Alcalà, lordship of the Català from Valleriola.

These events had the direct collaboration of the Baleària Foundation, making possible both the aforementioned event and future cultural and community development actions between the two sister municipalities.

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