The clients of the Ondara business, protagonists of the last campaign of the city council The clients of the Ondara business, protagonists of the last campaign of the city council

The clients of the Ondara business, protagonists of the last campaign of the city council

14 June 2021 - 12: 05

Ondara has just presented the latest campaign to promote local commerce. This time the protagonists are the clients who bet on the small business of the municipality. Loyal customers who "with their purchases made in local commerce, contribute, through local taxes, to the improvement of services and public endowments for all citizens", have indicated from the consistory.

'Obri el comerç, tanca el cercle' is the slogan chosen by the Ondara City Council for the 'street marketing' campaign that will feature more than 70 media. Pedro Reig has detailed that this campaign consists of graphic material that has been placed and can already be seen in public spaces, with billboards and posters, but especially on street furniture supports, benches, flower pots, and even slides in the playgrounds of Ondara, being a novel campaign.

The dissemination of the campaign will also be carried out with a canvas on the Prado, and with a large urban art painting made by Larouch on a wall facing the public thoroughfare, in the O-30 roundabout. It should be noted that all actions carried out on urban supports are reversible and can be withdrawn at the time considered. All the actions of the campaign have been designed and executed by local suppliers, within the Local Economic Reactivation Plan.

The Mayor and Councilor for Economic Promotion, José Ramiro, has presented at the City Council, accompanied by Pedro Reig, Marketing and Business specialist, and Ana Cotaina, ADL technician from Ondara, this new campaign "Obri el Comerç, tanca el cercle", which is integrated into the area of ​​Circular Economy of Local Reactivation; which is one of the pillars of the Post Covid-19 Local Economic Reactivation Plan launched by the Ondara City Council to help alleviate the effects of the economic crisis derived from the utility. José Ramiro highlighted that the campaign "Obri el Comerç, Tanca el Cercle" wants to thank the public that with their purchases in local stores they have contributed to achieving a better Ondara, because "when you buy in local stores you make a better town possible ”, As stated in the various materials and posters that have been published to promote this campaign.

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