The 300 people in Pedreguer who said "enough of rape culture and looking the other way" on International Women's Day The 300 people in Pedreguer who said "enough of rape culture and looking the other way" on International Women's Day

The 300 people in Pedreguer who said "enough of rape culture and looking the other way" on International Women's Day

09 March 2022 - 11: 09

Last afternoon of March 8, Pedreguer managed to mobilize some 300 people in favor of equality. According to official sources, these hundreds of people walked the streets of Pedreguer in a demonstration that brought the streets back to normal, quite similar to before the pandemic.

The call for a demonstration, from the Equality Commission of the Pedreguer City Council, mobilized a large part of the town's society, in primary schools, in the institute, the sports school and in the municipal music school. Groups of young people from other municipalities such as Gata de Gorgos and Teulada-Moraira also joined.

The tour was accompanied by The Bunpada Batucada of Benissa and, at the end, the students of IES Pedreguer, CEIP Trinquete, students of the sports school, the Teulada feminist action group and the Gata de Gorgos feminist action group read the manifesto for International Women's Day.

Before the demonstration, at 18:30 p.m., the hearing was held THE WOMAN COMPOSER, with the students of the Conservatory and the Pedreguer Municipal School of Music. Around 140 people attended the event, where the students, accompanied by Merche Femenia, director of the school, recovered and made visible the women composers throughout history.

This was the manifesto read in Pedreguer:

Hui 8M, International Day of the Donut, we went to the street to claim the rights of the gifts and the need for freedom from the feminist movement.

Every year, every March 8, the town of Pedreguer diu prou, però enguany som moltes veus i aquest crit sona més fort encara.

Hui's demonstration has been called by the Comissió d'Igualtat, an organization that is represented by all the associations and entities of Pedreguer. I, enguany, have been a month later and have joined the Music School, the sports schools and the primary and secondary educational centers.

Hui som moltes that, like every year, cridem fort per a dir prou.

Prou d'esterotips de gènere que ens impedeixen viure lliurement.

Prou of unfair wages and precarious feina.

Prou de càrregues i sobrecàrregues només for being gifts.

Prou d'imposicions als nostres cossos. They are us, nosaltres decided.

Prou d'explotació sexual, la patida i la seguim patint.

Prou de tracta de dones i xiquetes, forçats marriages i culture of rape.

Prou of violence. Structural violence exercised on the gifts, on nosaltres, physical, psychological, economic and institutional.

I prou, sobretot, to look at an altre costat.

Hui podem say that Pedreguer ho te clar: DRETS PER A TOTES, TOTS ELS DIES.

  1. Cesar Pino Dominguez says:

    In line with the previous one. When has a rape culture existed in Spain?
    Rape has never been culture, if not lack of culture and bartbarie.Sadly I have to refer to the previous statement. With this current government, cafrente of ethical and moral values, protector of criminals and persecutor of taxpayers. What can be expected?
    The people who demonstrate must be better informed about what culture is and what it is not. What is hembrismo and machismo. those terms are for animals. Yeah, but hate…….., these new LGTB groups etc., taking advantage of the tendencies of this government, to enrich . groups led by women, who apparently would like to be men and men who would like to be women. Well, very well, but let them talk about culture when it comes to criminal offenses. And of course the public treasury money is used formally.
    Good Morning.

  2. degenerate says:

    lol rape culture

    will they refer to what they so cheerfully import from North Africa?
