Compromís per Llíber asks for the suspension of a PAI of 480 houses for having lost the validity of the environmental impact statement Compromís per Llíber asks for the suspension of a PAI of 480 houses for having lost the validity of the environmental impact statement

Compromís per Llíber asks for the suspension of a PAI of 480 houses for having lost the validity of the environmental impact statement

August 25 from 2021 - 17: 00

The councilors of Compromís per Llíber, Andrea Kruithof and Eva Fullana, have presented this morning a letter in the Llíber City Council in which they request the paralysis of the MEDINA DE LLÍBER PAI, claiming that the Partial Plan and Sectorial Approval that covers this PAI it was submitted to an environmental impact statement (EIS) that is no longer valid.

As they explain from the Valencian formation, the DIA was granted on March 21, 2000 so, according to the Environmental Assessment Law (entered into force in 2013), which establishes a validity of the declarations prior to its entry into force six-year-old, in 2019 it lost its effects as the works had not started.

Therefore, Compromís per Llíber asks that the law be complied with and the project be re-evaluated. Andrea Kruithof has stated that “the implementation of the EPI is an environmental disaster that is not even carried out with the necessary guarantees. Everything seems to indicate that the DAY is no longer in force and, therefore, we have already asked the City Council to ensure that at least the law is complied with. Faced with the mayor's refusal to respond to the respect in plenary sessions and with technical reports that do not answer what we ask for, we file this letter requesting the declaration of the loss of validity, the need for a new environmental evaluation and the suspension of the PAI. Yes, after the time they have to resolve the file, the City Council continues without responding to the request, we will file legal actions so that the Law is fulfilled and we will also request the corresponding responsibilities, including criminal ones if pertinent ".

In addition, Kruithof has criticized the decision of the council to continue with this PAI: "The City Council is desperate to carry out an outdated project, which dates from 2001, unsustainable, which does not respond to the needs of the residents of Llíber, but to the needs of the residents of Llíber. interests of speculators, after all something that It is already a tradition of the politics of the PP governments in all these years. Of these corrosive strategies with the environment we have already seen the results more than enough and we cannot allow the same mistakes to be made for the benefit of a few ”.

For her part, María José García, MÉS-Compromís regional secretary, stated that "from the new regional executive we give full support to the Compromís per Llíber municipal group, since a PAI of these characteristics takes us to the darkest times of urbanism in the Valencià Country ".

"Urban actions like these involve recover an outdated model with projects that are no longer sustainable or desirable, the impact of which goes beyond the municipal area itself and affects our entire region. That is why, if legal actions finally have to be initiated, the executive will make available to Llíber's colleagues all the means that we have, "García concluded.

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