Calp will implement the management of urban gardens in municipal plots Calp will implement the management of urban gardens in municipal plots

Calp will implement the management of urban gardens in municipal plots

19 October 2021 - 14: 19

The City Council of Calp intends to create ecological urban gardens and make them available to citizens, for this reason the ordinance that will regulate the internal regime and the operation of these urban gardens is on public display.

The regulation aims to establish the procedure by which citizens will be offered the possibility of being awarded municipal parcels through the transfer of private use of the public domain as well as the rules that will govern the use of said spaces.

Image: Plots for urban gardens

In the draft of the ordinance on public display, it is stated that the City Council will determine the number, location and characteristics of the urban gardens located in municipal plots that are located between the road parallel to the Pou Roig ravine and the path of the green area of ​​Cocó. , behind the facilities of the Infant School
Silene. It is a complex of about 2.648 square meters within which 30 plots of 40 meters have been designed.

In addition, the project has common areas that include a storage area, toilets, recreation areas, composting area and connection booth. The installation of individual booths for the concessionaires and the storage of the agricultural implement have also been taken into account.

The objective of this initiative is to promote citizen participation and social interaction, offer an area of ​​the municipality to leisure and entertainment for agricultural cultivation, promote healthy eating and generate alternative leisure in the open air. In addition, it is planned to reserve urban garden plots for the educational centers of the municipality.

The draft of the ordinance establishes that the award will begin through a call approved by mayoral decree and published on the municipal website and that interested parties must submit an application to the OAC. The authorization to exploit the urban gardens will be granted among the applicants by public lottery.

The ordinance also indicates that the successful bidders will have to comply with the techniques and methods of ecological cultivation, the cultivation must be carried out without artificial phytosanitary products or fertilizers or chemical fertilizers.

Currently the public consultation is open prior to the drafting of the ordinance of internal regime and operation of ecological urban gardens of the City Council and citizens can make their contributions and suggestions in this regard until November 11.

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