Calp begins to teach the Coastal Navigation and Fishing Cycle in September Calp begins to teach the Coastal Navigation and Fishing Cycle in September

Calp begins to teach the Coastal Navigation and Fishing Cycle in September

21 July 2021 - 16: 52

On September 8, the Intermediate Degree in "Coastal Navigation and Fishing" will begin to be taught at the IES Ifach in Calp, accepting the maximum number of students allowed (30). This title corresponds to the culmination of the maturation process through which the plan established by Punt Nàutic for the implementation of specialized training in our territory has passed; whose origin dates back to the beginning of the project, 2018, and with its foundations established based on citizen participation and the extension of a collaboration network between the different territorial agents, without which this training could not have materialized.

As an example of the commitment that the different companies and entities of the town have made in supporting the implementation of the cycle in the territory, it is worth highlighting the recent contribution by the company Ancomaro, SL (the local nautical mechanical workshop) that has donated 3 engines in perfect working order, or the active participation of the Calp Fishermen's Association, which will give the use of their boats throughout the course so that the students can carry out the practical content.

It is necessary to emphasize that the training cycle has had a great reception from the public, registering a total of 39 students (of which 9 become part of the waiting list for the next promotion) coming not only from the Marina Alta , if not from other autonomous communities such as the Balearic Islands or Catalonia.

And the fact is that, regardless of whether the cycle is located in Calp, its scope is not restricted to a local area. Since so far this cycle was only taught in 1 town in the Valencian Community, specifically in the IFPS Marítimo Pesquero del Mediterráneo in Alicante, to which the IES Ifach de Calp joins; what positions this professional family, based on the characteristics and demands of the fishing sector in the region, as a strategic training for the territory of the Marina Alta.

The long-distance career started in 2018, and with intense work undertaken during 2019 and 2020, reaches its pinnacle with this qualification, which will begin to be taught from the next school year included within the Pla d'Impuls a la Formació Profesional de la Comunitat Valenciana which is taking the Marina Alta as a reference territory.

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