Soledat 2020/2021 Patron Festivities Program Soledat 2020/2021 Patron Festivities Program

Soledat 2020/2021 Patron Festivities Program

Start date: 09th September 2021
Finish date: 13th September 2021
Event type: Party
Site: Ondara
Home: Free upon reservation
Event finished

Last Saturday, August 28, Ondara celebrated the presentation of the Queens and their Courts of Honor as a prelude to the Patron Saint Festivities in Honor of the Soledat 2020/2021. The events planned for the celebration of the festivities are concentrated between Thursday 9 and Monday 13 September.

In order to carry out the festivities safely and in compliance with the COVID-19 regulations, they have centralized the events in the town's bullring, with ticket reservations, access control and reduced capacity.

As a way of guaranteeing maximum security against the virus, some representative events such as the religious procession or floats may not be held. On the other hand, the traditional masses designated in honor of their patron will be respected.

Patron Festivities Program in Honor of the Soledat

Thursday September 9

  • 22: 00 h - Concentration of the Commission of Festes 2020/21, Regines, Corts d'honor, Acompanyants, Sr. Retor and Autoritats to the MI Ajuntament to proceed with the lighting of the lighting.
  • 22: 30 h - Musical Show by Navy Boleros in the Plaça Major. During the event, drinks will be distributed to the attendees, with the collaboration of Bodegas Aguilar and Bodegas Leopoldo.

Friday September 10

  • 12: 00 h - GENERAL TURNING of all the bells of the town announcing “L'Àngelus”. SHOOT 21 salves in honor of the Patron.
    CONCENTRATION of the Comissió, Regines, Corts, Acompanyants in the Convent de la Mare de Déu de la Soledat to later go to the Parish Cemetery to offer a laurel wreath in memory of all the deceased of Ondara, accompanied by Dulzaina and tabalet.
  • 19: 00 h - COLLECTION of the Regines, theirs Corts d'honor and Acompanyants by the Xaranga l'Atril d'Ondara.
  • 21: 30 h - RECEPTION of Mr. Retor, Authorities, Comissió de Festes, Regines, Corts d´Honor and Acompanyants 2020/21, Regina and Dames d´Honor 2019, Regines de Festes and Authorities of the Region, Associations and other guests of the City Council.
  • 23: 00 h - CORONATION ACT of the Regines majors and infantil Soledat 2020/21, accompanied by their Corts d´Honor and Acompanyants in the Plaza de Toros, with the participation of Regina and Dames d´honor 2019 and the assistance of Mr. Retor, Authorities, regions of the region, guests and the people in general. The coronation ceremony will be enlivened by the UNIVERSAL CHAMBER ORCHESTRA. Next, performance of the musical group PUPIL LES.

Saturday September 11

  • 08: 00 h - “DESPERTÀ” with thundering shots accompanied by Dulzaina and tabalet.
    HOLY MASS OF L´AURORA at the Convent de la Mare de Déu de la Soledat.
  • 10: 30 h - COLLECTION of the Reginas, Corts d'Honor, Acompanyants, Festers and Authorities in charge of the Xaranga l'Atril.
  • 12: 00 h - HOLY MASS in HONOR TO LA MARE DE DÉU DELS DESAMPARATS al´Esglesia Parroquial de Santa Ana sung by the “PARISH CHOIR”. At the end, the prizes will be presented to the winners of the catechetical children of the "VIII MARE DE DÉU DE LA SOLEDAT DIBUIX CONTEST". Subsequently, a visit to the "MARE DE DÉU DE LA SOLEDAT" Residence, to offer a gift to the elderly, accompanied by the Xaranga l'Atril.
  • 19: 00 h - Children's MUSICAL by PETER PAN Neverland, Tinker Bell's rescue to the Auditori d'Ondara Tenor Valerià Gil.
  • 23: 30 h - VERBENA in the bullring with the show MUSICAL TOP TALENT.

Sunday September 12

  • 08: 00 h - GENERAL TURNING OF BELLS AND “DESPERTÀ” with thunderous firing accompanied by Dulzaina and tabalet.
  • 09: 00 h - HOLY MASS OF L´AURORA at the Convent de la Mare de Déu de la Soledat.
  • 11: 00 h - CHILDREN'S PARK, offered by the Regina infantil in the Plaza del Centro Social.
  • 18: 00 h - COLLECTION of the Regines, Corts d'Honor, Acompanyants, Festers and Authorities by the Musical Union of Ondara.
  • 19: 00 h - OFFERING OF FLOWERS to the Patron Saint of La Mare de Déu de la Soledat, enlivened by the Unió Musical d'Ondara in the bullring. Once the offering is finished, PONTIFICAL SOLEMN MASS IN HONOR TO THE MARE DE DÉU DE LA SOLEDAT, officiated by the Hon. Auxiliary Bishop of Valencia, sung by the “CHAPEL CHORUS BLESSED VIRGIN OF SOLEDAD".
    We will be accompanied by the MOBILE BELL of the Colla dels Campaners d'Ontinyent who will manually interpret all the touches, flights and peals corresponding to the Transfer, Offering and High Mass.
    Later, once the Mass is over, SPECTACULAR CASTELL DE FUEGOS ARTIFICIALES by the fireworks "RICASA". Thus ending the 2020/21 Mare de Déu de la Soledat festivities.

Monday September 13

  • 20: 00 h - SANTA MISA REQUIEM in the Chapel of the Parish Cemetery in suffrage of all the deceased of Ondara.
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