Ondara Health Center: address, telephone and services Ondara Health Center: address, telephone and services

Ondara Health Center: address, telephone and services

August 06 from 2022 - 09: 00
Marina Alta s/n, 03760, Ondara See map
Open 24 hours


The contact telephone number of the Ondara Health Center is (966) 429 691.


To make an appointment in this center there are two possibilities. One of them over the phone 966429002 and the other through the website of the Department of Health.


The Ondara Health Center offers continuous attention during the 24 hours both in the physical center and in the home care service. However, this service alternates with the Verger Health Center. So, the odd days emergencies are attended in Ondara and on even days in El Verger.

El emergency phone is 966429690.


The Ondara Health Center is located in the Marina Alta avenue.

attention and services

The Ondara Health Center is a Integrated Health Center (CSI) where where various types of services are offered to citizens.

Between the services that it offers is:

  • Medical care: Doctors' hours are from 08:00 a.m. to 15:00 p.m..
  • Nursing: extractions, Sintrom, electrocardiograms, Mantoux, cures, spirometry, delivery and explanation of special preparations for hospital techniques on demand and talks to the community.
  • Pediatrics: the consultation service has a schedule from 08:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.. On the other hand, the well child program is offered from 12:00 to 14:00. And finally, they also have on-demand consultation available.
  • pediatric nursing: childhood vaccinations and talks in the school environment.
  • Family planning.
  • Matron: services include pregnancy and postpartum follow-up, early diagnosis of cervical cancer and various workshops such as maternal education, parenting, lactation and pelvic floor.

Auxiliary offices

From the Ondara Health Center two other medical offices depend: Beniarbeig and Benidoleig.


Marina Alta s/n, 03760, Ondara -
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