Compromís - 28M elections - Politics

Twelve proposals from Compromís pel Verger to “achieve an innovative, sustainable and inclusive town”

May 26 from 2023 - 14: 05

Compromís pel Verger obtained 641 votes in the last municipal elections of 2019, with which he was able to gather three councilors in the municipal corporation, being the main opposition group as the second most voted force.

Basili Salort is the candidate for mayor of the Verger of the Valencianists in the town this year, an active and well-known profile that is part of the group of Compromís advisors in the FVMP. With the experience of having been mayor between 2017 and 2019, the result of the government pact with the PSPV-PSOE and Independents del Verger in 2015, the Compromís pel Verger candidate details the proposals they are launching for the next four years:

Basili Salort, candidate for Mayor of Verger for Compromís

On May 28 we had an unforgettable appointment to capture the town again, to change it from dalt to baix, to return to excite us. Fer del Verger un poble millor per viure, take care of our family and gaudir of a full life.

It is for això that we are here from now, with you. Because we are the guarantee of a vote that works, both from the constancy of our government and from the forcefulness of our leadership of the opposition. Però ara és hora d'arromangar-nos y pose-nos al tall. We are here because he has molt per fer, because we are molt from Verger, and above all, som molt from you.

We have a solid project, a great team and the greatest people in the world. Trust in Compromís, pel Verger that you deserve.

I had your main men proposals que volem dur endavant per a viure millor al Verger.

Hem passed a tortuous legislature, yes. But let us follow a parenthesis. Ja estem construint la nova amb enteniment i bon rollo. From Compromís, not only will we continue the trend, but we will expand it to all areas on top of the council. Come to donate an impulse decided to the Verger, and we have the necessary equipment for fer-ho. Brave, diverse and competent people.

Compromís pel Verger team for the 2023 municipal elections

We have clear the town that we want to build, and we know how long it will last. An innovative, sustainable and inclusive town. Because at Verger no one is a stranger. We know how to use our own talent and those of the newcomers for the benefit of all and all. We want to unite our territory and believe the sentiment of belonging to the Verger, to his own culture.

Ja sabeu com governem, i que tenim les coses molt clares. For això we are going to donate impulses to the Segària, or reduce more than enough the debt, or a powerful cultural agenda, to mention some fits. I ara carregats d'experiencia i de raons, amb postes realistes i achievables, vos demanem que confieu en Compromís pel verger el diumenge proper: porquè vos necessitem para construir el Verger que totes i tots dereixem. Many thanks!

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