Society - Education

Benitatxell increases transport aid for students from 3.000 to 4.500 euros

21 October 2022 - 15: 08

Poble Nou de Benitatxell once again launches mobility aid for students in the municipality. The Department of Youth will allocate 4.500 euros to this initiative this year, 1.500 euros more than in the previous call. The maximum individual amount will be 180 euros and they can benefit from both university and master's degrees as well as baccalaureate and intermediate and higher level training cycles. Likewise, students who do not use the bus transport already subsidized to IES Teulada may also apply for aid.

Image: Bus stop at Poble Nou de BenitatxellBus stop at Poble Nou de Benitatxell

"This scholarship will be of help to many families who have difficulties in coping with all the expenses involved in having a student child", pointed out the councilor for the area, Víctor Bisquert, who highlighted the importance of "giving the youngsters of our people, regardless of their economic situation, the possibility of carving out a future".

aid requirements

To qualify for these scholarships, you must be registered in El Poble Nou de Benitatxell for at least the year prior to the call and be under 30 years old. In the case of high school students or middle and higher cycles, the essential requirement is to have been enrolled in the 2021/2022 academic year and have passed 50% of the subjects.

Transportation assistance in Benitatxell

As for university students, they must be enrolled in Spanish centers with validity throughout the national territory and have passed at least 35 credits. In case of being the last year of studies, the minimum to pass must be equal to the credits enrolled.

Students of university education adapted to the European Higher Education Area leading to official bachelor's degrees or those of university education leading to obtaining official titles of Bachelor, Engineer, Architect, Diploma, Technical Engineer may also choose. Lastly, in the case of those who are taking a master's degree, the only requirement is to be enrolled and have achieved the accredited degree.

Deadline for submission of applications

Applications can be submitted until November 22 (there is a month from the day following the approval of the bases in the BOP) through electronic headquarters or in person at the Citizen Service Office (Carrer de les Escoles, 2) , from Monday to Friday from 09:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. The required documentation and application forms can be consulted at the following link.

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