Companies - Society

Aguas de Calpe will implement a Discharge Control Plan

January 31 from 2023 - 15: 06

Aguas de Calpe, a mixed municipal company that manages the home supply of drinking water, sewerage and wastewater treatment, in the municipal area will implement a Discharge Control Plan to the sewerage network (wastewater and rainwater) that will improve and will expand the current control system.

Image: Calpe Water WorkerCalpe Water Worker

To carry out this search for uncontrolled discharges, the sectorization and monitoring of the sanitation network will first be carried out and samples, analyzes and inspection of activities will be carried out.

Up to 11 sectors are established in the Sampling and Analysis Plan with general, secondary sector and individual sampling stations through which control will be carried out by means of automatic sampling equipment for 24 hours or on a timely basis.

After receiving the analytical results, a study will be prepared, comparing it with the limits of application in each case and studying its evolution with respect to the available history.

Finally, the actions to be carried out will be proposed based on the urgency and seriousness of the breach, ranging from the identification of the possible industrial sector causing the spill to the inspection of connections for the visual identification of the spill or the inspection of activities and control treatment in addition to the verification of suspicions of discharge. The discharge detection procedure is intended to be as agile as possible in order to give notice of non-compliance as soon as possible and be able to act immediately.

This spill control plan will make it possible to detect the industries and individuals causing the polluting sources and urge them to correct the problem. The objective is to reduce polluting elements in the sewage network as well as to avoid discharges on the coast.

The mayoress, Ana Sala, has valued this initiative very positively and has indicated that "the improvement of any service related to the Integral Water Cycle is fundamental and results in the well-being of all, today there are innovative solutions for the problems and emergencies that may arise and in this sense Calp will be prepared to act and prevent any eventuality in the network”.

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