Valentina, the first baby born in the Marina Alta this new 2023 Valentina, the first baby born in the Marina Alta this new 2023

Valentina, the first baby born in the Marina Alta this new 2023

January 01 from 2023 - 11: 51

The first newborn in the Marina Alta this new year 2023 is called Valentina. At 03:36 on January 1, she entered the world weighing 3 kilos and 180 grams, after an uneventful delivery.

His mother, Ausrine, 24, and Valentina are in perfect condition after the birth. Both are located on the hospitalization floor of the Hospital de Dénia.

  1. Ckive Read says:

    MAY GOD. her de ella MANUFACTURER de ella keep her in good health and protection. No one as complicated and UNIQUE could have been created by the father releasing his vibrant seed into the mothers´ fertile soil. was born THREE MONTHS and THREE WEEKS Prememture, weighing only 986 grams, in a home-´birth, 5 years before the INCUBATOR or Hational Health Service were inned. I am now 83-years YOUNG: GOD is GOOD.
    – ALL THE TIME and not willing that ANY should perish. cñive

  2. Margaret march says:

    Congratulations! What a marvelous gift for 2023. Best wishes to all the family.

  3. Tony says:

    Congratulations on that beautiful arrival of Valentina, an excellent reception for this year 2023
