Som Marina Alta initiates a legal case against the breach of obligations of Marina Salud Som Marina Alta initiates a legal case against the breach of obligations of Marina Salud

Som Marina Alta initiates a legal case against the breach of obligations of Marina Salud

November 29 from 2021 - 10: 28

Som Marina Alta has initiated a judicial process for the breach of contract between Marina Salud SL and the Ministry of Health of the Generalitat Valenciana. For this reason, from the platform they allege: "The private management of this public hospital has caused a decrease in resources allocated to citizens, affecting their right to quality and dignified public healthcare."

Claim of Som Marina Alta

The citizen association promoted by mayors and mayors of Compromís and independent parties of the Marina Alta began the administrative litigation last June with a previous claim in front of the Conselleria de Sanitat. The claim demanded the termination of the management contract from the company due to a breach related to the execution of infrastructure, such as the Health Center of Dénia or Calp. Som Marina Alta seeks that, having not complied with health obligations since the contract was signed between the company and the Department in 2005, there is "economic compensation by the company and the reversal process is accelerated."

In addition, the claim also demanded the lack of contracted health personnel, which decreased the care that the Hospital could provide, and the financial penalty to the company. On the other hand, they also asked that said infrastructures be included in the Pla Créixer + of the Generalitat to solve the lack of service.

With the request of Som Marina Alta it will be the first time that a complete inspection is carried out, with the intention of knowing the "magnitude of the faults committed by those responsible for private management" in order to report them all. All this with the objective of "bringing the management of the center to justice and paving the way for a public health model that guarantees the best quality and service for people."

Miguel Ángel García Buigues, vice president of the association, said: "The people of our towns demand political involvement from us to address the precarious situation of the only regional hospital, so it is no longer worth standing on the sidelines while people suffer. We did not expect that the Ministry of Health would not respond to the first request made«.

For his part, Josep Costa, president of the platform, has denounced: "There have been too many years of waiting for action against the bankruptcy of the Marina Alta health system that the PP caused when it sold our health care in exchange for we don't know what. Behind every non-compliance there is a patient who has suffered and the silence of the responsible administrations for so many years is inexplicable. It is time to judicialize each non-compliance and look towards a healthcare that thinks about people and not about the manager's economy.

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