Muixerango proliferation in the Marina Alta: a tradition that gains followers Muixerango proliferation in the Marina Alta: a tradition that gains followers

Muixerango proliferation in the Marina Alta: a tradition that gains followers

18 December 2021 - 06: 00

Cohesion and tradition. Two words that resonate in Valencian thought when hearing about les muixerangues. The figures, the music, the atmosphere ... All this conveys to the public the spirit of sharing the culture and the most traditional Valencian hobbies when a colla starts its activity.

The oldest and most popular active muixeranga is that of Algemesí. In the Ribera Alta region, the Muixeranguera tradition has endured and has remained alive to this day. But nevertheless, in other areas of the Valencian Community, this practice had no relevant presence until recently.

Without going any further, in the Marina Alta there were no new generations of muixerangues until 2008 when the Muixeranga of Pego. This was renamed in 2017 as Muixeranga de la Marina Alta.

Muixeranguera tradition and culture was scarce for a long period of time. But, In 2011, UNESCO declared the Mare de Déu de la Salut de Algemesí festivities as Intangible Heritage of Humanity, whose main representative symbol is the muixeranga. For this reason, experts point out that, once this event occurred, the proliferation of colles has been significant.

The desire to return to the roots has brought with it the certainty of a Valencian society proud of its values ​​and determined not to lose its traditions. Perhaps a policy prone to reappraising the great potential of its older ways has also helped. Above all, the festive and full of history.

The Muixeranga de Segària

As evidence of this cultural regression the Muixeranga de Segària is born. A group with some experience and wanting to bring back, together with the Muixeranga de la Marina Alta, this forgotten tradition to the region.

The desire arises in August 2021 and the foundation of the muixeranga takes place in September. Àngela Marí, from Benissa, Xaro Soler, from Beniarbeig, Rosa Barber, from Ondara, and Nuria Muñoz, from Dénia, are the official promoters of the colla.

If there is something that they highlight from the colla, it is the great support and dissemination they have received from the Ondara City Council and, above all, from Beniarbeig. The latter gave them a space where they could meet and made it possible for them to be publicly known on the Bona Vesprada de À Punt program.

Due, in part, to this, they chose the Segària completion because «we wanted to pay tribute to one of the most characteristic symbols of this area of ​​the Marina Alta and that it would cover more than one locality. Furthermore, as we have finally established ourselves in Beniarbeig, it is very representative ”, confesses Carles Serra, a member of the colla.

Despite its relative youth, the one from Segària has gained many followers in just three months. They started their journey with seven people and, Currently, 37 members make up the Muixeranga. And what started as a gathering of friends has turned into a great family excited and wanting to continue growing.

The values

That is precisely one of its main bases. Brotherhood and family. «The future of les colles muixerangueres is children. When a boy or girl is struck by joining a muixeranga, they immediately drag their parents away, ”admits Carles.

In addition to the family, the Segària family is established with the intention of promoting Valencian cultural values ​​and transmitting the Muixeranguera technique in the best possible way. And, on the other hand, they love the idea of ​​being a cultural association that, apart from tradition, «is also focused on the environmental values ​​of our land», Confesses Carles.

For this reason, once a month they try to organize excursions and outdoor activities to bring together the youngest of the group. In the words of Carles: "We want to take care of our xicalla because the more boys and girls are part of our colla, the more value what we do will have." The objective, therefore, is to strengthen that brotherhood based on socio-educational principles that nurture and enrich children from an early age.

Technique and safety

If a muixeranga has to be based on something, it is trust. They are dedicated to making human towers, which translates into a somewhat risky practice that, without safety in the group, could be physically dangerous.

Trust and cohesion within the group make the group form the figures with maximum security possible. The shapes they achieve with the bodies are visually highly attractive and this is what most draws the attention of the public when a muixeranga finishes its figure with the xiquet and xiqueta at the top of the tower.

Pau Moreno is the mestre of the Muixeranga de Segària. A guide for the colla with more than 15 years of experience. But "behind the master there are many more people working to coordinate each figure." The trunk cap, pinya cap technique or xicalla technician they are just as important in training to "correct postures and not hurt yourself."

A promising future

One of the most recent and important milestones for this training has been its official registration in the PROP of the Generalitat Valenciana as a cultural and traditional group. Last Monday, December 13, they managed to get the body to accept, after several attempts, their registration.

This fact contributes and encourages the Muixeranga de Segària to expand its horizons and reach many more people. Of course, the future of the colla is very promising. For this reason, they already dedicate their efforts to planning meetings, meetings and many other activities with other muixerangues beyond the Marina Alta.

But, in order for this muixaranguer phenomenon to broaden its scope, Carles launches a very simple message: «We encourage people to see what we do and get to know us. And, if you are still more encouraged, that you participate in our colla. The main thing for us is that our technique and the security with which we work are known».

Without a doubt, the reception that the Muixeranga de Segària has had in the various municipalities of the Marina Alta has been inspiring for them. For this reason, they trust to continue their journey growing, promulgating the culture and consolidating their values ​​of family and brotherhood that are intrinsic to a colla muixeranguera.

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  1. Josefa says:

    Desitje succes pera tot.lo cultural soc de cor de Beniarbech until death


    I would love to love you

  3. Gorka says:

    Visca Muixeranga Segária.

  4. Saints says:


  5. Fran says:

    Oleee tota la raó, som a great family. Jo i el meu fill, varem anar a veure el assaig, amb rosa i ens varen dir probeu i fins ara there thism. Formant part of aquesta colla Muixeranguera. Visca Muixeranga Segária.
