Pego residents have joined together around the Platform for Teaching in Valencian with the aim of defending the presence of Valencian in the municipality's classrooms. This movement arose in response to the call for mobilisation made by Escola Valenciana within the framework of the 'Tria valencià' campaign and is coordinated with the group Famílies pel Valencià and its 'Marca Sí al Valencià' campaign. With this initiative, the aim is to inform people about the importance of voting "yes to Valencian" in the next consultation organised by the Ministry of Education.
As part of this campaign, the Platform will offer an informative talk on Monday, January 13 at 19:00 p.m. at the Carmen Alemany Bay Library. This event, convened in coordination with all the Student Family Associations (AFAs) of the educational centers of Pego, will feature the participation of members of the Platform, representatives of the AFAs and Jaume Fullana, from Escola Valenciana. In addition, there will be a question and answer session to resolve doubts about the consultation and its possible repercussions on the education of the children of the municipality.
In collaboration with Ràdio Pego, advertisements will be broadcast explaining the reasons for voting “yes to Valencian” in the referendum. In addition, videos with testimonies from Pego residents who defend education in Valencian will be broadcast on social networks. According to experts, voting “yes to Valencian” is the only way to maintain the current language model in almost all educational centres in Pego, a model that guarantees full competence in the native language.
At the institutional level, it is expected that the next Municipal School Council will vote on a motion to reject the consultation promoted by the Mazón government. The Platform for Teaching in Valencian considers that this consultation "breaks the social and academic consensus maintained for decades around teaching in Valencian and demands its withdrawal, together with the law that supports it." According to the activists of Pego, "this law only seeks to marginalize Valencian in education and does not guarantee that children can correctly learn the two official languages of the territory."