Opinion | Manifest 8M of the Xarxa de Dones of the Marina Alta Opinion | Manifest 8M of the Xarxa de Dones of the Marina Alta

Opinion | Manifest 8M of the Xarxa de Dones of the Marina Alta

08 March 2022 - 06: 30


On March 8, International Gifts Day, let's celebrate our advances, remember our advances, and turn our careers to raise our dreams and claim the feminist fight.

Feminism has millorated the history of humanity, that of gifts, that of all people and of the common space that we inhabit. Since its origins, for three centuries, we have denounced patriarchal oppression, we have kept every eye on the rights that I have had and continue to fight for because feminism remains essential on the political agenda and in the consciousness of the entire society.

Notwithstanding the success, we are still on the way to advancing and we are facing many cliffs. The success of the feminist mobilizations has provoked an important patriarchal reaction, focused on maintaining the discrimination and structural violence, the gender roles and stereotypes that we have patit i patim the gifts.

Image: Cartell 8M-Donut Day 2022

The social, health and economic crisis caused by Covid-19 shows, moreover, the social disinterest of the capitalist system and neoliberal policies. The sectors most exposed to malice are highly feminized sectors. There is evidence that the priests collect money on the donations, that public resources are insufficient, that there is a lack of professional staff and co-responsibility.

The inequalities in the labor market primarily affect the gifts; higher unemployment, temporary and partial contracting, wage gap of 24%, pension gap exceeding 30%. Perceived labor segmentation and those considered jobs of gifts are more poorly valued, with pitjors salaries and conditions. It is inadmissible that, in the XNUMXst century, the laborers of the llar do not have the same drugs as the rest of the laborer class, including supporting sexual assaults by their employers. Aquesta greu realitat la pateixen mainly dons migrants.

Feminists denounce the patriarchal warmongering escalation in situations as terrible as Afghanistan, the war in Ukraine, which always affect women and girls more severely, even with all the types of violence and direct aggressions that pateixen feminists arreu del món Denounce the environmental devastation that threatens the planet.

Feminism is the strength of the gifts, of the gifts of the north, of the south, of the east and west. The gifts of all the areas, territories and cultures share the rain with the dreams of totes. Per tot això, from the Feminist Movement, Exigim:

  • Public education, secular and feminist, that promotes equality, that makes referents visible and puts an end to androcentrism in science, arts and culture. That coeducation and affective and sexual education in schools form people without gender stereotypes.
  • Placing life in the center, valuing the cures as a workforce, assuming them socially, collectively, and equally between homes and gifts.
  • Public services with quality care for children from 0 to 6 years old, as well as for older people
    in dependency situations.
  • Urgent implementation of measures to eradicate poverty of the gifts, as well as employment policies
    both feminist perspective.
  • Agility in the ratification of conventions 189 and 190 of the ILO: pels labor rights of the gifts
    precariousness, vulnerability and sexual assault.
  • Real and effective social and labor insertion of women with disabilities.
  • The compliment of the current legislation to protect the access to the public occupation of the victims of masclista violence.
  • Pensions worthy and fair with a feminist and class perspective.
  • Repeal of the llei d'estrangeria, which leaves migrants senseless and absolutely unprotected.
  • Not one country is involved in sexual and reproductive rights, guaranteeing the right to legal, safe and
    free in public health and sexual and reproductive health.
  • The reversion of the private services to the public and with direct management.
  • An abolitionist legislation of the prostitution system, of pornography and the uters of lloguer.
  • Public policies with real and effective budget endowment.
  • Training in equality and prevention of male violence in the judiciary and all the operators
  • Total development of the specific laws, both for equality and for gender-based violence, follow the
    regional and state level.
  • Development of the Istanbul Convention, complement of the CEDAW recommendations regarding all masculist violence.
  • Reactivation of the Pacte Valencià against mascista violence, the seua valuation and follow-up, with real and effective participation of the feminist movement.
  • We demand the active participation of the dons in all the public spheres and in all the forums and councils
    consultius at state, regional and local level.

Ja hi ha prou de l'aliança criminal between patriarchy and capital, which is empobrides because they remain docile, silent and submissive.

Ja hi ha prou to violate our things with neoliberal businesses that pose preu and violate our human rights: pornificant-us, prostitutes-us, abusers-us, traffickers-us, and treat us as simple sexual objects per als puters and pimps.

Remember that March 8 is every day!

Les gifts fem revolutionized feminist!

The revolution will be feminist or it will not be!

Xarxa de Dones de la Marina Alta, March 8, 2022

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