Opinion Compromís Pego: «S'aproven the bases of Pego Golf, all and the warnings of macances de Compromís» Opinion Compromís Pego: «S'aproven the bases of Pego Golf, all and the warnings of macances de Compromís»

Opinion Compromís Pego: «S'aproven the bases of Pego Golf, all and the warnings of macances de Compromís»

November 04 from 2022 - 23: 48

“It is noteworthy that there are elections and when we return to the eternal promise of the 1.300 cases and the golf course, we have assenyalat moltes voltes that it is a lie to deceive the people and treure vots amb les hopes de la gent . Now we are going to say in 2018, the project was expired and the mayor is going to say lies. Later, when the 2019 elections are going to expire, the program will expire and they will bring the condition of urbanizing agent to the company, as
nosaltres havíem dit. Now the mateix will pass again” assures Àngel Oltra.

All the parties of the corporation, except Compromís, will vote in favor of the proposal of the bases tot and that "in the only report fet by the technical staff of the city council is that the legal reports issued by the contracted despatx per l' equip de govern, it is not about the expiration of the Declaration of Environmental Impact nor the reference cap to which it behaves according to the Llei d'Ordenació del Territori Urbanisme i Paisatge de la Comunitat Valenciana, nor to the state Llei d'Avaluació Ambiental ; Nor does the reference to the lack of accreditation of the infeasibility of the management of the program by the owners. Although Enrique Moll says that he has met with the association of owners, he does not suppose that he has communicated the possibility to all the people who own it if they fly or not fer-se càrrec d'eixa managed with the mark of the law .

Per all això, let's think that some inconsistent bases have just been approved that will do nothing more than provide legal insecurity to the company that commonly chooses, if it exists, and donate time to the government team and the rest of the parties We fins the elections to continue to sell the motorcycle that I design anys that will sell”.

According to the councillor, “I did not feel we were involved in a project from 2005, after having had a crisis, a pandemic and being in the face of a new crisis, and I continued to think that the predatory construction model of the territory will save us from not we know well be what. We have to remember that Pego has different PAI in force and both the roads and that it faces have not been completed, such as Penya Roja, Mostalla, Monte Pego, la Verdala, and most of all the towns and villages. Not cal destrossar el nostre terme per a res, i menys in a moment in which the ones that are missing are obrers, not land to build”.

municipal library

The other theme of the ple d'anit will be the proposal of the PP because the new municipal library is to say “Cervantes”, and the esmena presented by Compromís. A necessary examination, according to the paraules of councilman Edu Alcina, “it is a pity that the PP did not accept the examination, since the proposed proposal supposed to deny participation under the name “Cervantes”.

We volem a veritable participatory process of tria of the name of the library that goes beyond what the municipal government is going to propose, we demand that the citizens propose names of gifts of Pegolina culture and science and that is decided by the veïnat in an open vote. We understand that hi has a deute amb les gifts to our people when we observe the unbearable imbalance of Pego's careers with 72 names of homes and 9 of gifts. By working in favor of equal visibility, we donate to our nomenclàtor, and advance in trying to overcome the imbalance, not with the municipal government that affirms that parity is to choose between the names of a home and a woman who does not matter who is the real situation to our people”.

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