Ondara officially presents its two professional Valencian pilot teams Ondara officially presents its two professional Valencian pilot teams

Ondara officially presents its two professional Valencian pilot teams

23 September 2024 - 16: 26

For the first time in the sporting history of the municipality, two professional Valencian pilota teams will bear the name of Ondara – Portal de la Marina in the Caixa Popular Cup 2024. It is a men's escala i corda team and a women's raspall team, thanks to a historic agreement signed this year between the Ondara City Council and the Valencian Pilota Federation, with the aim of promoting this native sport.

This agreement has the collaboration of the Portal de la Marina Shopping Centre, which covers 50% of the sponsorship costs of each professional team. The Ondara council has expressed great satisfaction with the sponsorship of these two teams, highlighting the benefits it brings to promoting Valencian pilota in the town.

The men's scale i corda team, Ondara – Portal de la Marina, is made up of Giner and Héctor. For its part, the women's raspall team, also under the name Ondara – Portal de la Marina, is made up of Aina, Amparo and Natàlia. Both teams were officially presented today at an event held at the Portal de la Marina Shopping Center, which was attended by the mayor of Ondara, José Ramiro; the Councilor for Sports, Lluís Fornés; the president of the Valencian Pilota Federation, Vicent Molines; the manager of the Portal de la Marina Shopping Center, Virginia Carrasco; Dani Rivera, from Trinqueter – Trinquets Management, and Xisco Vilanova, representing the Valencian Pilota Federation.

At least one game of the competition in which a team from Ondara participates will be played at the Trinquet Municipal of the town. As announced, Ondara will host this Saturday, September 28, a game of escala i corda in which the team of Giner and Héctor will face the team from Valencia, represented by Puchol II and Álvaro G. Also, on Sunday, October 20, a game of Pro1 women's raspall will be held at the Ondara trinquet, where the local team will face an opponent yet to be confirmed.

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