Ondara establishes its first Local Council for Children and Adolescents after democratic elections Ondara establishes its first Local Council for Children and Adolescents after democratic elections

Ondara establishes its first Local Council for Children and Adolescents after democratic elections

January 15 from 2025 - 17: 20

Before the Christmas holidays, boys and girls from 5th and 6th grade of Primary School of the Sanchis Guarner School in Ondara held the first democratic elections to form the Local Council of Children and Adolescents (CLIA). This is a child and youth participation body that will be implemented for the first time in the municipality and for which voters had to choose between 56 candidates presented.

In this democratic process, a male and female member were selected for each class, as well as a substitute, who will be in charge of representing the concerns and ideas of their colleagues in the CLIA. According to Jordi Ruiz, Councillor for Children, Adolescents and Youth of the Ondara City Council, the new members will officially join the Council after the plenary session of its constitution, scheduled for the coming weeks.

The Local Council for Children and Adolescents is a consultative and participatory body created by the Ondara City Council with the aim of giving a voice to the children and adolescents of the municipality. This space will allow the youngest to express their opinions, make proposals and actively participate in decision-making that affects the community. For the City Council, the participation of children, adolescents and young people is a priority, as it fosters democratic values, promotes a sense of responsibility and contributes to the development of a more inclusive society committed to the future.

From the Department of Children, Adolescents and Youth, the Ondara City Council has congratulated all the participants in this democratic process and has encouraged the new members of CLIA to work with enthusiasm and commitment to contribute ideas that enrich the life of the municipality.

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