OCAPA Pego: what is it, what is it for, address and telephone number OCAPA Pego: what is it, what is it for, address and telephone number

OCAPA Pego: what is it, what is it for, address and telephone number

February 25 from 2021 - 08: 25

OCAPA is the Regional Office for Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Water. In it, everything related to these matters is processed, for example, permits.

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  1. R: Ruiz Mullotr says:

    Hello, good morning, I'm trying to contact you but I can't... We need to register the land so we can sell the carob beans in the cooperative... REGEPA, I think that's the name of that registry. I need to know what documentation needs to be provided and if it can be done online... Is it necessary to make an appointment, etc.
    Thank you

  2. Peter says:

    Hello. I need Regepa to sell my carob trees.
