«No, Mr. Mayor, no one has said that the TEUMO workers are at fault; "Only you have spoken of them." «No, Mr. Mayor, no one has said that the TEUMO workers are at fault; "Only you have spoken of them."

«No, Mr. Mayor, no one has said that the TEUMO workers are at fault; "Only you have spoken of them."

26 July 2024 - 12: 50

OPINION | Commit Teulada and Moraira

From Compromís per Teulada i Moraira, we want to make it clear that we will not allow the mayor to distort our words and complaints. The current situation of garbage collection and cleaning in our municipality is worrying, but it is essential to understand who is truly responsible for this chaos. No, TEUMO workers are not to blame for what is happening.

They are, in reality, other victims of the mismanagement of the Popular Party (PP) and the political abandonment to which this party has always subjected public services. These workers carry out their task with dedication and effort, despite the adverse conditions imposed on them due to the lack of planning and efficient management by the current government team.

Last night, in the plenary session, the only one who pointed out the workers was the mayor Raul LlobellNeither Compromís nor any newspaper that has reported on our complaint has pointed the finger at the people who work at TEUMO Serveis. But of course, we must once again try to distort a clear complaint: you are mismanaging the maintenance, cleaning and rubbish collection of our town, and what better way to do so than by showing that we at Compromís are pointing the finger at the people who are working harder than ever and in worse conditions than ever?

It is incomprehensible that the company manager answers us that nothing is happening at TEUMO and everything is fine. The mayor and president of TEUMO accepts it and still, after 15 days, we are still waiting for their responses to the official Compromís letter, which they have the obligation to respond within the deadline and in the manner determined by the law. And this only goes to show one thing: they want the problematic situation to be made invisible and extinguished, a specific problem that in a few months will be covered by a political announcement such as the arrival of a big event, an inauguration or simply a holiday.

But the reality, Mr. Mayor, and after a year of your government with an absolute majority, is that citizens are already realizing that you use all public means and resources in your favor. Now, even, and setting a precedent in this legislature, he takes away our voice and leaves the Compromís councilors without the right to reply, an event that has never happened in our municipality. But from Compromís, with our resources, we will not cease to denounce each and every one of the bad actions that you do.

And TEUMO is one of those mismanagements that must be denounced and that already needs a political and citizen reaction to stop its chaos. But the problem does not come from now, it comes from before, since the local PP does not believe in public services or their direct management. It is necessary to highlight that you already undertook the objective of privatizing TEUMO, deteriorating the public service, when you were responsible for general services in the 2015-2019 legislature. You already carried out a privatization process that the then government left on the table without signing, hoping that the subsequent government would solve it, with the consequences that this had.

From Compromís per Teulada i Moraira, we will continue to denounce the deficiencies in municipal management and we will work to achieve a municipality where public services are a real priority, not a simple excuse for political window dressing. We will remain firm in defending the rights of our workers and in the fight for efficient public management committed to citizens. We are going to work for a better municipality, with decent public services and transparent and responsible management. Citizens deserve much more than what the current government team is offering. We will not be silent or silent, and if it bothers you, we are sorry. Welcome to democracy and the parliamentary system where the opposition's task is to do what we do.

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