At the end of each year, the National Institute of Statistics updates the official population figures for the municipalities. The latest data correspond to January 1, 2024, when the Marina Alta once again recorded an increase in the number of inhabitants. In total, there are 195.133 people, 3.808 more than in 2023, when the figure was 191.325 inhabitants.
Of the 33 towns that make up the region, 10 of them have lost inhabitants, according to the latest figures. These are l'Atzúbia (-14 people), Benimeli (-2), El Poble Nou de Benitatxell (-7), Castell de Castells (-1), Llíber (-41), Ràfol d'Almúnia (-18 ), Sagra (-1), Sanet i Negrals (-15), Tormos (-11) and Els Poblets (-79).
Proportionately, the municipality with the greatest population decline has been Lliber, with a -4,3%. Also Tormos, whose percentage of decrease is -3,2%.
In contrast, the rest of the towns, except one, have grown in number of inhabitants. The only one that has remained the same is Vall d'Ebo, which has maintained its 2023 inhabitants in both 2024 and 230.
In total figures, the municipality that has gained the most inhabitants in a year, and which is already the most populated, has been Dénia, with 1.320 more inhabitants, reaching the figure of 46.942 inhabitants. However, in terms of percentage growth it is not the one that has increased the most, since it has done so by 2,9%. The other most populated town in the region, Xàbia, has gained 371 inhabitants, experiencing a growth of 1,2% and reaching the barrier of 30.000, specifically 30.131. The third town with the highest registered population is Calp, 26.821 people in 2024, increasing its figure by 967 more people (+3,7%) than in 2023.
In this sense, the growth rate has been more acute in Benigembla and Senija. These municipalities in the Vall de Pop have grown by 2024% and 4,1% more in 3,9, respectively. For its part, Benigembla has grown by 22 people, going from 537 to 559, and Senija, has gone from 670 to 696 people, 26 more.
Municipality (Select) | Inhabitants 2023 | Inhabitants in 2024 | Growth (%) |
Alcalali | 1.397 | 1.406 | 0,6% |
l'Atzúbia | 608 | 594 | -2,3% |
Beniarbeig | 2.353 | 2.384 | 1,3% |
Benidoleig | 1.218 | 1.219 | 0,1% |
Benigembla | 537 | 559 | 4,1% |
Mineli | 455 | 453 | -0,4% |
Benissa | 12.279 | 12.317 | 0,3% |
El Poble Nou de Benitatxell | 4.858 | 4.851 | -0,1% |
Calp | 25.854 | 26.821 | 3,7% |
Castell de Castells | 445 | 444 | -0,2% |
Dénia | 45.622 | 46.942 | 2,9% |
Gata de Gorgos | 6.515 | 6.659 | 2,2% |
Xàbia | 29.760 | 30.131 | 1,2% |
Llíber | 946 | 905 | -4,3% |
Murla | 575 | 585 | 1,7% |
Ondara | 7.308 | 7.522 | 2,9% |
Orba | 2.379 | 2.387 | 0,3% |
Parcent | 1.003 | 1.021 | 1,8% |
Pedreguer | 8.558 | 8.687 | 1,5% |
Pego | 10.485 | 10.632 | 1,4% |
Els Poblets | 2.763 | 2.684 | -2,9% |
Ràfol d'Almúnia | 721 | 703 | -2,5% |
Festival | 442 | 441 | -0,2% |
Sanet i Negrals | 737 | 722 | -2% |
Senija | 670 | 696 | 3,9% |
Teulada Moraira | 12.515 | 12.834 | 2,5% |
Tormos | 339 | 328 | -3,2% |
The Vall d'Alcalà | 174 | 175 | 0,6% |
The Vall de Gallinera | 581 | 584 | 0,5% |
La Vall de Laguar | 873 | 903 | 3,4% |
The Vall d'Ebo | 230 | 230 | 0% |
The Verger | 5.101 | 5.272 | 3,4% |
Xaló | 3.024 | 3.042 | 0,6% |