The State Meteorological Agency had announced a significant drop in temperatures for this week, and so it has been. In the last few hours, the Marina Alta has recorded temperatures of up to -2,9 °C in Castell de Castells and -0,8 °C in the Vall d'Ebo, according to the record of minimum temperatures of the Valencian Association of Meteorology. With positive values, although equally low, 0,8 °C has been recorded in Beniaia in the Vall d'Alcalà, 1,3 °C in Benissili (the Vall de Gallinera) and 1,6 °C in the Lluca/Rafalet station in Xàbia.
The cold air mass coming from northern Europe has settled in the peninsular territory in the last few hours. Until Wednesday, stability is assured, however, meteorologists predict that from Thursday the proximity of a DANA to the east of the peninsula could leave some rain in the Mediterranean.
The AEMET forecast indicates rain for the whole of Marina Alta from Thursday afternoon and Friday. On the other hand, the cold air, added to the low temperatures that will continue to be experienced throughout the week, will lower the snow level. For the moment, AEMET sets the level between 800 and 1.100 meters on Thursday and 1.200 m on Friday in the municipalities of Marina Alta.
It is not ruled out that the precipitation could leave some snowflakes in the mountain ranges between these altitudes. In the region it would not be the first time that a light white blanket could be observed on the summit of Bèrnia or in Carrascar de Parcent. In any case, if it were to occur, the focus would be on the interior of the region and its highest mountains, although experts assure that the accumulations would not be significant. In addition, for all this, there are still many hours of observation ahead and the forecast could change at any time.