Moraira celebrates Sant Antoni with the help of the El Portitxolet Theatre Group Moraira celebrates Sant Antoni with the help of the El Portitxolet Theatre Group

Moraira celebrates Sant Antoni with the help of the El Portitxolet Theatre Group

Start date: January 17, 2025
Finish date: January 19, 2025
Event type: Party
Place: Moraira
Event finished

Del 17 al 19 de enero, la localidad de Moraira se prepara para celebrar la festividad de Sant Antoni, patrón de los animales, con un variado programa de actividades organizado por el Grup de Teatre El Portitxolet, en colaboración con el Municipality of Teulada Moraira. La celebración, que constituye un importante patrimonio inmaterial del municipio, contará con actos culturales, religiosos y gastronómicos.

Start of the celebrations

The festival will begin on Friday the 17th at 17:30 p.m. with the gathering at the Fortí and the traditional parade from l'entrà del pi to the Plaza de la Iglesia. Subsequently, in the Tina Bru assembly hall of l'Espai la Senieta, the conference "Moraira i les seues cuineres de la mar i la terra" will be offered, followed by the gathering "Memoria viva dels menjars morairers".

On Saturday 18th, at 12:00, the bonfire of Sant Antoni will be planted, together with the decoration of the Plaza de la Iglesia and the Plaza de les Sorts. In the afternoon, at 20:00, the parade of the giant figures of the Devil and Saint Anthony will take place, which will start from the Fortí and arrive at the Plaza de la Iglesia, where the play Sant Antoni i els dimonis will be performed. After this event, the bonfire will be blessed and burned.

At 21:00 p.m., attendees will be able to enjoy a popular dinner around the bonfire, accompanied by live music.

Sant Antoni's big day

Sunday will begin with the despertà at 09:00 a.m. At 10:30 a.m., the parade will take the image of Sant Antoni to the church, where a mass will be held in his honour and the traditional blessing of the rolls. Then, at 11:15 a.m., the carts and animals will gather in the Plaza de les Sorts to begin, at 11:30 a.m., a parade to the church, where the blessing of the animals will take place.

The activities will continue with the Dansà de La Marina at 12:00 in Doctor Calatayud street, with the participation of dance groups from different towns in the Marina Alta and central regions. At 13:00, the Muixeranga d'Alacant will perform in the Plaza de les Sorts. The weekend will conclude with a popular meal organised by the Committee for the Virgen de los Desamparados Festivals of Moraira 2025, accompanied by live music.

Josep Ivars, Councillor for Youth, has highlighted the importance of these festivities: “It is essential to continue protecting our customs and our identity to keep our traditions alive, which are passed down from generation to generation and which make up the essence of what Teulada Moraira is today.” He also thanked the Portitxolet Theatre Group and all the collaborators for their efforts in organising this event.

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