March for Health in the region: Dénia will once again be the scene of the protests of the Marina Salud toilets March for Health in the region: Dénia will once again be the scene of the protests of the Marina Salud toilets

March for Health in the region: Dénia will once again be the scene of the protests of the Marina Salud toilets

Event Date: April 21th 2023
Event type: Other events
Site: Dénia
Schedule: 19: 00 hours
Event finished

The latest movements of health workers in the Marina Alta have already warned of new mobilizations. The meetings with the Ministry further evidenced the confrontation between the Generalitat and the management company of the Department of Health of the region. A tension that the health workers and patients of Marina Salud suffer directly.

"We are suffering the consequences of uncertainty and blockade," they say. Concern grows in the face of visibly deteriorated Health and that causes “undeserved and irreparable health damage. Situation that will be aggravated in the near future as it is an unattractive department at the labor level for workers, "they lament.

Arguments that justify the need to mobilize to "give voice to this problem and demonstrate to the Ministry and private companies that Health is not a privilege, but a right." For this reason, the toilets have called a demonstration in which the presence of "workers, associations, the general population and above all political representatives" is expected.

will be next Friday, April 21 at 19:00 p.m. in Dénia. The route that they mark will begin in Marqués de Campo street and end in the plaça del Consell de la ciudad. A few days earlier, on April 13, the Marina Salud works council has scheduled a meeting at 13.00:XNUMX p.m. at the hospital with all the mayors of the region to inform them first-hand of the situation.

1 Comment
  1. Martha says:

    Die Stimmen werden immer lauter und konkreter diese Mißstände im Krankenhaus Marina Salud es wird immer dringender
    für das Personal und für vielen tausenden Patienten, die nicht Privat versichert sind. Dieses Privileg gibt es nur hier, in anderen Ländern der EU sind überwiegend die Patienten sozial versichert und werden in allen Krankenhäusern behandelt, Da gibt es keine 2-klassengesellschaft.
    Das Recht auf rund um fachbezogene ärztliche Versorgung verpflichtend, das soll der Bezirk Alicante , der für diese entstandene mißliche Lage in Denias Marina Salud zur Verantwortung gezogen werden müssen.
    Ihr tut dem noch verbleibenden medizinischem Personal grosses Unrecht und der Patient bleibt immer mehr auf der Strecke
    Wieso gibt es in anderen Bezirken weit aus bessere Versorgung der Patienten kontinuierlich und fachlich.
