In Dénia, health transport workers demand to stop being the "low cost personnel" of Valencian health In Dénia, health transport workers demand to stop being the "low cost personnel" of Valencian health

In Dénia, health transport workers demand to stop being the "low cost personnel" of Valencian health

18 December 2024 - 13: 58

Esta mañana, Técnicos en Emergencias Sanitarias (TES) se han concentrado frente a la puerta principal del Hospital de Dénia para reivindicar mejoras laborales en el sector del transporte sanitario. Esta manifestación forma parte de la huelga indefinida iniciada el pasado 3 de diciembre, convocada por sindicatos como UGT, CCOO y CSIF, en protesta por las condiciones laborales y salariales que consideran inadecuadas para la importancia de su labor. La protesta en Dénia ha servido para visibilizar esta situación en la que se encuentra el personal de transporte sanitario en el territorio valenciano.

The ambulance staff of the Valencian Community are thus demanding salary improvements and fairer working conditions, pointing out that their salaries and conditions are not in line with the training and responsibility they assume, especially when dealing with professionals in charge of the health and life of patients. The unions claim that more than 12 months of negotiations with the employers have not achieved substantial progress, which led the group to start this strike as a pressure measure.

The protesters are demanding a fair collective agreement for the autonomous sector that includes adequate salary increases, improvements in working conditions and compliance with the agreements already signed with the Ministry of Health. The main demands of the group include:

  • Salary equalisation with other autonomous communities, where TES workers receive between 25% and 45% more than in the Valencian Community.
  • Creation of a new professional classification, which eliminates obsolete categories such as "assistant driver".
  • Reduction of working hours and improvements to the diet system.
  • Significant salary increases, creation of a third extraordinary payment and the right to early retirement.

The workers are also demanding that their sector be dignified by improving the value of night and holiday hours, as well as the incorporation of a new supplement for working on Sundays.

Rafael Gil, head of health transport in the province of Alicante for UGT, president of the Ambulancias Ayuda Company Committee and member of the strike committee, led the protests in Dénia this morning. "We are on the street, we are extra-hospital staff and our work is not valued. We are the first link in the health chain, the first to reach patients in urgent or health emergencies" he explained. For this reason, according to Gil, they are demanding a decent salary and "to stop being the 'low cost' staff of the Valencian Community", adding that they "suffer" salaries and working conditions that are not in line with their training and dedication.

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