The Three Wise Men filled the Dénia Hospital with magic and excitement The Three Wise Men filled the Dénia Hospital with magic and excitement

The Three Wise Men filled the Dénia Hospital with magic and excitement

January 07 from 2025 - 16: 19

Los Reyes Magos, Melchor, Gaspar y Baltasar, llevaron la magia de la Navidad al Hospital de Dénia en una visita cargada de regalos, sonrisas y alegría.

The long-awaited arrival of Their Majesties filled the paediatric and maternity wards with excitement, where the youngest patients received toys and surprises directly from the King and Queen. The children could not contain their excitement when they saw how the magical visitors entered their rooms, handing out not only gifts, but also hope and joy at a special time for the hospitalised families.

In addition to visiting the youngest patients, the Three Wise Men also took a moment to share with the hospital's healthcare professionals, recognising the essential work they do every day. The presence of Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar was not only a reason to celebrate for the little ones, but also a gesture of gratitude and encouragement for the entire healthcare team.

The visit has been organised in collaboration with the hospital and various local organisations, ensuring that this magical tradition reaches those who need it most on these significant dates.

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