Yesterday, the official Valencian pilota competitions were presented at the Pelayo trinquet in Valencia, both in its professional and regional club aspects, in the escala i corda and raspall modalities. The event, organised by the Valencian Pilota Federation, had the support of Caixa Popular, the Valencia Provincial Council and the Generalitat Valenciana.
During the event, the professional cups for escala i corda and raspall (male and female) were presented, as well as the amateur cups for these modalities. It was a highlight for Ondara, with the mayor, José Ramiro, as representative, since, for the first time, two professional teams will bear the name of Ondara – Portal de la Marina: one of male i-string scale and another of female raspall.
This achievement has been possible thanks to the collaboration agreement signed this year between the Ondara City Council and the Valencian Pilota Federation, with the support of the Portal de la Marina Shopping Centre, which will cover 50% of the financial contribution of each team.
The Copa Caixa Popular Pro 1 Escala i Corda men's Ondara – Portal de la Marina team is made up of Giner and Hèctor, while the Copa Caixa Popular Pro 1 Raspall Femení Ondara – Portal de la Marina team is made up of Aina, Amparo and Natàlia .
At least one game of each modality will be played at the Ondara Municipal Trinquet. On September 28, Giner and Hèctor will face the Valencia team, formed by Puchol II and Àlvaro G. in a scale i corda game. For its part, the women's raspall game will be held on October 20.
Ondara Town Council has expressed its satisfaction with this sponsorship, considering it an important step in promoting local sport in the town. Although agreements had been signed in previous years for the holding of matches and finals of sports competitions, this is the first time that Ondara has sponsored professional Valencian pilota teams.