The Collective of Administrators of the Health Department Dénia, after the reversal on February 1, has announced that it is continuing with its mobilization plans to express its dissatisfaction with the "treatment received by a large part of the works council."
In a statement addressed to the Business Committee of the Dénia Health Department and to the media, the group has reported that it has expressed its discomfort regarding its working conditions through a letter and the delivery of nearly a hundred signatures from the center's administrators. .
The response of the Works Council, as communicated by the group, has been considered insufficient, attaching a fragment of the words of the Works Committee itself:
«The works council wants to state that once the reversal has been carried out and after the review of the salary gaps of the different professional categories: Being aware of the discomfort of certain groups and due to the rush to achieve homogenization in working conditions with respect to statutory personnel , the Committee is going to focus on the negotiation of a new agreement (once the judicial conflict of the 2nd Agreement currently pending trial on April 25 is resolved) where priority will be given to the equalization of those categories whose salary gap is greater (only an additional 0,5% increase is being requested for our group, compared to what is requested for the rest, with which the salary gap is reduced by only about €30 gross per month), being aware at all times that said negotiation is complex and requires certain times. Our commitment is, has been and will be to improve the working conditions of all the professionals who work in this department."
In this context, the administrative group of the Dénia Health Department has reaffirmed its commitment to continue seeking improvements in the working conditions of all the professionals who work in the department, although they maintain their determination in the organization of mobilizations to make visible their discomfort at what which they consider an unsatisfactory response from the Works Committee. The statement from the Administrative Collective of the Dénia Health Department is reproduced below:
Addressed to the Business Committee of the Health Department of Dénia and the media
The Administrative Collective of the Dénia Health Department, reverted on February 1, reports that it continues to prepare mobilizations to express its discomfort due to the treatment received by a large part of the works council.
The administrators have expressed our displeasure over our working conditions to the works committee through a letter and the delivery of nearly a hundred signatures from the center's administrators.
The reaction to our request, by the Business Committee, has been insufficient and the response was the following:
“The works council wants to state that once the reversal has been carried out and after reviewing the salary gaps of the different professional categories:
Being aware of the discomfort of certain groups and due to the rush to achieve homogenization in working conditions with respect to statutory personnel, the Committee is going to focus on the negotiation of a new agreement (once the judicial conflict of the 2nd Agreement currently pending is resolved trial on April 25) where priority will be given to equalizing those categories whose salary gap is greater (only an increase of 0,5% additional to what is requested for the rest is being requested for our group, with which the salary gap is reduced by only about €30 gross per month), being aware at all times that said negotiation is complex and requires certain times.
Our commitment is, has been and will be to improve the working conditions of all the professionals who work in this department.”
To which we can calculate that it will take several years until the administrative gap, the largest of all, is equal to that of the rest of the professional categories.
For this reason, we have made the relevant complaint to the Department of Health through procedure Z.
The Business Committee will meet in Valencia with the Department of Health on April 18, to negotiate a modification of the conditions, which have little to do with the improvements in the administrative group, we continue to be the forgotten and most undervalued group in the Dénia health department.
We do NOT feel represented by the vast majority of the Works Council, we believe that they have fought little for our rights. Since in no reverse Health Department there is a wage gap as large as in ours.
This is because in the rest of the concessions the administrative staff is respected and valued, and they are considered part of the team and part of the healthcare process of the health sector, unlike in the Dénia Health Department, and we refer to the facts. In no rescued concession has the Administrative Officers been allowed to become labor personnel to be extinguished under the conditions that we have experienced.
In all categories, except Administrative, the salary gap is not that big.
As we explained at the time, our salary gap is abysmal, only comparing it with the rest of the personnel to be extinguished from the rest of the rescued concessions. As an example, we take the case of administrative staff (NON-CARE) and nursing staff (CARE):
We want to remember that in the health system the first contact in health care is with the administrative staff, who are also in charge of ensuring that the entire process is completed.
Can you imagine arriving at a Hospital and there being no qualified Administrators for the position?
We believe that all of this supports us as professionals, and that therefore we deserve fair treatment by all Company Committees. We know that there is part of the committee that supports us, but they are only a minority, so their decision-making power goes unnoticed, and the rest of the committee turns a deaf ear to our demands.
SIR, we need your support to dignify our profession and our salary! According to the Ministry, and as announced on its website, it is FAIR to pay FAIR! No more no less!
The time has come to put it into practice, and that is why, from this writing, we once again ask the Business Committee of the Dénia Health Department to NOT turn a deaf ear! We have a very important comparative grievance!
Same category + Same legal status + Same Functions = YOU CANNOT HAVE A DIFFERENT SALARY
We do not want to be the white label of the Administratives in the Ministry!
We want a fair job with a fair salary, and for this we will mobilize before the Works Committee and before the Department as many times as necessary!
From here, we send an SOS message to all those unions, citizens, governments, political parties, mayors... who want to support us in our request, and in this way dignify the profession of the Health Administrative in the health department of Dénia.
We will soon mobilize by organizing a series of protest rallies for decent working conditions, and we look forward to your support!
As patients, when we arrive at a Health Department we all want to be attended to by a friendly person, who will facilitate the entire process, even more so in the delicate moments in which we resort to a Hospital or Health Center, and not a worker who feel frustrated, burned and exploited... For all this we have to fight, and dignify our profession
Collective of ADMINISTRATIVES of the Dénia Health Department
This is for the administrative staff but surely for the managers the salaries are the same or higher. Too many managers who only serve to appear.