The Júcar Hydrographic Confederation (CHJ) has officially alerted the Municipalities of the Marina Alta about the deterioration of the drought and shortage situation in the demarcation, reaching emergency levels, describing it as "the worst drought in 33 years", according to announced by CHJ itself on March 21.
In response to this communication, the CHJ has delegated to the City Councils the implementation of measures to face the crisis, which has sparked criticism from civic entities such as Pego Viu, Acció Ecologista-Agró and the Platform Save the Vall.
These defense entities for the territory claim to have been denouncing for months the lack of forceful actions to limit water consumption, especially urban consumption, aggravated by the population increase during the Easter and summer tourist season. Furthermore, these entities have criticized the incoherent silence of the CHJ regarding the reactivation of new urban projects in the region, such as the golf course and the Penya Roja macro development in Pego, as well as the PAI Medina de Llíber macro development.
The Special Drought Plan proposed by the CHJ calls for strengthening surveillance for the conservation of aquatic ecosystems and the protection of wetlands and river species, as well as monitoring the impact of other measures on the natural environment, with special attention to the Marjal de Pego-Oliva, considered at risk according to this plan.
In the case of Llíber, Acció Ecologista Agró had previously alerted the CHJ about the water deficit in the region, especially in relation to the Parcent well, whose water demands in the last five years have exceeded the authorized volumes, without taking into account the lack of compliance with the potability parameters in other available wells according to the corresponding legislation.
Faced with this situation, environmental entities have warned both the CHJ and the respective City Councils, as well as the Conselleria de Medi Ambient, of their responsibility for possible environmental damage that may occur, announcing legal actions in defense of the general well-being and adequate protection of the public hydraulic domain, in accordance with the provisions of the Water Law.
Out of curiosity, have any of these wonderful organizations that call for restrictions and prohibitions publicly denounced the GEOENGINEERING that we have suffered especially in this area for years and that is the cause of the current drought?
The negative response only confirms that their interests are different from ours as citizens.
Exact. And the ChemTrails that have been launched above our heads throughout 2022 and 2023.
The number of swimming pools in Jávea in the middle of the drought is a shame; a special tax for them.
What are they going to do? Ban the population and give tourists a wide berth?