The Marina Alta and mushrooms: a guide to its mycological wealth and the best way to explore it The Marina Alta and mushrooms: a guide to its mycological wealth and the best way to explore it

The Marina Alta and mushrooms: a guide to its mycological wealth and the best way to explore it

27 October 2024 - 08: 00

Traditionally, when autumn arrives, fans of the countryside and, in particular, of mushrooms, head into the mountains. It is one of the most desired outings, whether you are a major or minor expert in the subject, but normally everyone tends to have in common a passion and appreciation for nature and the environment.

The Valencian territory, like many others, is an area rich in mushrooms. You can find some 2.000 species, of which between 50 and 100 are edible. The best known, the níscalo, or as it is known here, esclata-sang, rovelló or pebrás (Lactarius sanguifluus). Antonio Belda Antolí, a biologist with a PhD from the University of Alicante and a professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the same university, helps us to clarify this fascinating world a little better.

Belda is an extensive expert in mycology and a great lover of natural resources. He has published several books, such as Medicinal plants of the Sierra de Mariola, Bolets of the Valencian Country, Valencian plants o The bolet cuisine. Costumari gastroboletaire, and collaborates in some radio and television programs as a scientific communicator.

Mushrooms and their environment: function, season and classification

The mountains and valleys of Valencia usually offer a lot of opportunities when it comes to mushrooms. These develop from the fungus that underground is formed by a network of filaments called mycelium. As the expert illustrates, "this structure can be connected to tree roots or organic matter of some plants. When the optimal conditions of temperature and humidity are met, the mycelium bears fruit, and that is when the mushroom appears.

Although it is common to associate them with autumn, Belda assures that they can meet throughout the year. There are spring, summer, autumn and even winter ones. It all depends on the weather conditions and the type of mushroom. "Nowadays, with changes in the climate and irregular rainfall, it is difficult to ensure that a mushroom is exclusively from autumn." For example, chanterelles need a few very specific conditions of humidity and a constant temperature for approximately 40 days after the rains, according to the biologist. They do not like heat, frost or wind. Each species has its own process, they are completely different.

On the other hand, they are classified according to whether they are Deadly, toxic, without culinary or edible interest. Within edible varieties there are different qualities, from excellent to mediocre.

But before being enjoyed by mycology fans and experts, mushrooms have an essential function within the food chain, since They act as decomposers of organic matter. This means that they circulate nutrients, allowing them to return to the soil and be absorbed by the plants, which start the cycle again. That is why, warns the biologist, It is important to respect them, even those we do not know.Many people unknowingly step on or break species that perform this crucial function for the environment.

The Marina Alta, "an area rich in biodiversity and with a good amount of mushrooms"

The Marina Alta is a very good area for them, especially the interior and its beautiful valleys. variety of microclimates and landscapes, combined with the forests where humidity remains for most of the year, makes it an "area rich in biodiversity and with a good number of mushrooms," says Belda.

In addition to the esclata-sang, the other two most sought-after or well-known mushrooms in the Marina Alta are the poplar mushroom (agrocybe aegerita) and the carob one (Laetiporus sulphureus). The latter, Belda points out, has a color similar to sulfur, is very typical of the Marina Alta and Americans refer to it as chicken mushroom, because it has chicken flavor.

In the Marina Alta, there are mushrooms of all categories, including two deadly species which are often confused with mushrooms and are the most dangerous in the Valencian territory, says Belda.. They are the Amanita phalloides, or flour maker, and the Lepiota brunneoincarnataThe latter arises in roundabouts or on the grass of gardens.

Each mushroom has its own habitat and the various species are usually associated with certain trees and vegetation. The key to finding them is largely due to what is around them."The chanterelle mushroom is found in areas with pine trees, while the poplar mushroom appears in riparian forests with deciduous vegetation and soft wood. The carob mushroom, as its name indicates, is found near carob trees, while morels usually appear in burnt areas or areas with forest treatments," notes the expert.

The essential regulations to enjoy Valencian mycology

But in order to fully enter the forest to collect or observe them, there are a few things to keep in mind beforehand. Firstly, always have a great respect for the natural environment and everything that surrounds it. After all, we humans are the intruders and the best way out of the mountains is the one that leaves no trace of our presence behind when we leave.

But to ensure a good country route, there are various regulations of the Generalitat Valenciana that must be complied with. Mainly, Belda points out that it is allowed to collect up to 6 kilos per person per day, as long as there are no additional restrictions. This collection must be done on public land or on private land with the owner's authorization.

It is also essential not to use metal tools to remove the soil and it is recommended to cut the mushrooms with a knife. Collecting them in esparto or wicker baskets helps to encourage the dispersion of spores. "These are common sense rules, but sometimes they are not followed"On the other hand, it is essential not to leave rubbish in the mountains, to park in designated areas and to follow the basic rules of behaviour in nature.

The expert points out that some municipalities and natural spaces have their own regulationss, so it is important to know the specific legislation of the place where you want to collect mushrooms, and to make use of the most restrictive one. «Lack of knowledge does not exempt you from compliance. Fans should know where they are going and under what conditions».

According to the biologist, the potential of the mushroom world is enormous, something that could be used as a way to revitalize inland towns and combat rural depopulation. Through the licensesFor example, by copying the model of other territories, compliance with regulations, the number of collectors and the collection sites themselves could be much better controlled.

«With the investment in these licenses, it would be possible Recover roads, invest in cleaning, create spaces for vehicles and have personnel who can control and monitor the activity."This model could be very positive for our territory. It would help to control the depredation that the environment sometimes suffers," he concludes.

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  1. Jose says:

    The country of Valencia does not exist, let's inform ourselves and respect our status.
    We are Valencian Community or Regne of Valencia.

    • Oook says:

      Exactly for something it is va fer the statute of autonomy, Mr. Mazon is finally satisfied remembering in interviews that he has participated in several communication mitjans of Catalonia
