The Generalitat has just declared the Moors and Christians of Verger festival as a Festival of Local Tourist Interest. As announced by the Vergeri mayor, Basili Salort, the news reached the City Council yesterday, the same day that the town's patron saint and Moors and Christians festivities started.
"He has come at the right time to announce it," Salort admitted during the inauguration of the new Concepció Miquel Giner square, which hosted the concert by the El Verger Musical Association as the opening act of the festivities. The venue, full of neighbors, was the ideal place and time for the communication of the long-awaited news. «We want to thank the Consell Moro i Cristià for their efforts and headaches to prepare all the documentation. Finally, they have given the relevance that it deserves to the Moros i Cristians del Verger festival," he declared.
The Moors and Christians festival enjoys one of the best atmospheres in the region, with 14 rows that keep the celebrations alive as one of the most deeply rooted traditions in the town. Officially, the celebrations have been held since approximately 1979 and, since then, the festival has only increased in number of participants and quality.
From l'Estafeta to l'Ambaixada, the Capitulació Cristiana, Alardo, the Reconquesta del Castell and the spectacular entrance of Moros i Cristians on August 15, the festival in El Verger can boast of having a very complete program of events that grows every year the celebrations.