The International Space Station can be seen for a few minutes in the Marina Alta: this is how it was observed from Els Poblets The International Space Station can be seen for a few minutes in the Marina Alta: this is how it was observed from Els Poblets

The International Space Station can be seen for a few minutes in the Marina Alta: this is how it was observed from Els Poblets

January 14 from 2025 - 14: 35

The International Space Station (ISS) was visible on the afternoon of January 12 from the Marina Alta. For just three minutes, a white dot could be seen moving in the sky right next to Venus and Saturn.

À Punt Oratge warned about this on its social networks, noting that it could be observed towards the southwest between 19:35 p.m. and 19:38 p.m. According to them, what was observed was the reflection of the sun on the solar panels of the Space Station.

The video shows a bright fixed point, Venus, and the ISS moving until it disappears from the frame in a recording captured from Els Poblets.

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  1. Marco Ortiz says:

    Great, for astronomy lovers I recommend the Stellarium APP… it is incredible, it identifies in real time all the visible stars, constellations, even those in the Southern Hemisphere… Regards, Marco.

  2. jot says:

    Like several nights a month… If you look at their schedule of passage through Denia… And if there are no clouds…
