The essence of the Marina Alta between poetry: the “Marinant Estellés” exhibition begins its regional journey The essence of the Marina Alta between poetry: the “Marinant Estellés” exhibition begins its regional journey

The essence of the Marina Alta between poetry: the “Marinant Estellés” exhibition begins its regional journey

25 July 2024 - 17: 12

The Department of Culture of the Regional Mancomunitat of Marina Alta (MACMA) has launched the cultural initiative “Marinant Estellés”. This exhibition, which consists of two parallel exhibitions, will tour the region until December 2025, offering a fusion of poetry and photographs of the Marina Alta.

Each of the exhibitions presents twenty poems by the renowned Valencian poet Vicent Andrés Estellés, accompanied by images that capture the essence of the beautiful region. This visual and literary combination is complemented by the recitation of the poems by local artists. Those interested in visiting the exhibitions will be able to enjoy the poetry recited through QR codes that allow access to the audios, as well as through headphones available at the exhibition.

The official opening of “Marinant Estellés” took place on July 10 at the Mercat Municipal del Poble Nou in Benitatxell. The event was inaugurated by the mayor of the municipality, Miguel Ángel García Buigues, the president of MACMA, Sergi Ferrús Peris, and Anna Gascón, representative of the “Cent d'Estellés” Civic Platform. In addition, Salvador Bolufer Femenia, Marina Mulet Gayá, Tomàs Llopis Guardiola, Joan Femenia Mas and Rosario Caselles Canet collaborated, who recited several inaugural verses.

The parallel exhibition also opened at the Senija House of Culture on July 18. On this occasion, the event was initiated by the mayor Pepa Argudo Ferrer and the MACMA culture and heritage technician, Núria Gómez Bolufer. Guest artists Lídia Santacreu Ferrà and Eva Ferrer Villena offered a recital that combined songs and live recitation.

Following the success of the openings, the two exhibitions will continue their journey through the Marina Alta, offering residents and visitors this unique artistic experience. During the month of August, the exhibitions will be at the Castell de Castells Culture House starting on August 7 and at the Vall d'Ebo Ethnic Museum starting on August 8. In Ebo, the poetic recital will be given by Joan Femenia Mas and Enric Casado Navarro, while in Castell de Castells Ariadna del Russe Pérez and Núria Gómez Bolufer will participate. Both exhibitions can be visited until August 26.

In September, “Marinant Estellés” will move to the library of Xàbia, where it will be from September 5 to 23, and to Gata de Gorgos, from September 19 to 30.

“Marinant Estellés” not only celebrates the work of Vicent Andrés Estellés, but is also an opportunity to revalue the cultural and natural heritage of the Marina Alta. Through poetry and images, this exhibition aims to foster a deeper connection between the residents of the region and their environment, while promoting local culture.

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