The regional executive of the PSOE supports the mayor of Ondara by refusing to preside over the bullfight in the bullring The regional executive of the PSOE supports the mayor of Ondara by refusing to preside over the bullfight in the bullring

The regional executive of the PSOE supports the mayor of Ondara by refusing to preside over the bullfight in the bullring

04 September 2024 - 09: 22

Next Sunday, September 8, a bullfight is scheduled in Ondara, requested by the First Vice-Presidency and Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Generalitat Valenciana. The Ondara City Council was forced to approve the transfer of the space because the law states that the authorities must transfer municipal buildings to anyone who asks to rent and carry out any type of event in them.

However, the municipality has not held a bullfight since 2008, so there have already been various protests against the event. If it had refused to give permission to give up the space, the City Council could face sentences of up to 4 years in prison and 15 years of disqualification, not only from political activity, but also from any civil service position.

Last week, in a statement, the Socialist Party of Ondara expressed his rejection of the celebration of the bullfightThey also stated that none of the local socialist representatives will preside over the bullfight, "as required by the bullfighting law," they stressed.

Now, the Executive Committee of the PSPV-PSOE of the Marina Alta has issued another statement in support of the decision and the words of the socialists of Ondara. The full statement is reproduced below:

From the Regional Executive Committee of the PSPV-PSOE of the Marina Alta, we would like to express our total gratitude to the Municipal Socialist Group of Ondara and its mayor, José Ramiro, for his decision not to participate in the presidency of the correguda of bous that is durà a terme in the municipality.

I fully share the values ​​and principles that have guided this decision. It is important to remember that for more than two decades and thanks to the efforts and determination of the socialist government of Ondara, the Plaza de Bous has ceased to be a place of violence and has become a space of culture, leisure and coexistence. . The "Jewel of Culture", as it is named, is a symbol of the evolution and progress that the municipality of Ondara has experienced, and we cannot allow it to go backwards on this path.

We deeply regret that the current Valencian government, with the support of PP and Vox, has decided to financially support the celebration of a jonegades circuit, imposing the ton of spectacles of animal abuse to municipalities like Ondara, ignoring the popular will and the values ​​of respect and animal welfare that we promote during so many times.

Our part has always been committed to the defense of animal rights and the promotion of a peaceful and respectful culture. It is per això that we consider it unacceptable that it is force our companies and companies to give up the place of business for these types of events, so that the legal threat of prevarication. The decision not to preside over the events is a clear demonstration of coherence and fidelity to our principles.

From the Regional Executive Committee of the PSPV-PSOE of the Marina Alta, we will continue to donate support to all initiatives that promote a more fair, egalitarian and respectful society for the environment and other human rights. We maintain the cost of our companies and companies of Ondara in this light and we commit to continue working for a better future for everyone.

Regional Executiu Committee of the PSPV-PSOE of the Marina Alta

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  1. Paula Holtmann says:

    People need to stop killing animals, bulls etc. for the sake of having and having sources of fun!!! This should be banned!! We humans destroy so much and we think we can own everything!! This is from my personal point of view, very derogatory.
