The Teulada Cultural Musical Group raises more than 3.500 euros for people affected by DANA The Teulada Cultural Musical Group raises more than 3.500 euros for people affected by DANA

The Teulada Cultural Musical Group raises more than 3.500 euros for people affected by DANA

05 December 2024 - 15: 51

El concierto de Santa Cecilia, celebrado el pasado 16 de noviembre en el Teulada Moraira Auditorium, recaudó 3.578 euros para los afectados por la DANA en València, gracias a las aportaciones de los socios de la banda y de los asistentes al evento. El Municipality of Teulada, en colaboración con la Fundación Auditori Teulada Moraira y la Agrupació Musical Cultural de Teulada (AMCT) han hecho la donación tras el solidario evento.

The Agrupació Musical Cultural de Teulada, for its part, managed to raise 2.000 euros through the tickets purchased by its members and the donations deposited in the box set up during the concerts for the 2024 Santa Cecilia festival. These funds have been entirely allocated to the Federation of Musical Societies of the Valencian Community, with the aim of supporting the 32 musical groups that were seriously affected by the catastrophe.

Additionally, Teulada City Council, through the Fundación Auditori Teulada Moraira, donated 1.578 euros to the donation account set up by the Generalitat Valenciana. This amount comes from the general tickets sold for the Santa Cecilia 2024 concert, also funded by the AMCT.

The president of the AMCT, Héctor Andrés, has expressed his gratitude to those who made the donation possible: «From the Board of Directors of the Agrupació Musical Cultural de Teulada we are very grateful to our members, as well as to the people who during the three concerts have contributed to this donation for the 32 musical societies affected by DANA. Everyone has lost a lot, but we, as a band, have wanted to contribute to their recovery as soon as possible. We hope that soon they will once again worry only about making music».

For his part, the mayor of Teulada Moraira, Raul Llobell, ha destacado la importancia de la solidaridad mostrada por los vecinos y la agrupación musical: «Agradezco a todos aquellos que han formado parte de esta donación comprando la entrada del concierto de Santa Cecilia y a la Agrupació Musical Cultural de Teulada por su música, su generosidad y por la propuesta de que este año la celebración fuera solidaria».

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