Gymnasts from CG Les Marines de Calpe, qualified for the Spanish Championship of Base Groups Gymnasts from CG Les Marines de Calpe, qualified for the Spanish Championship of Base Groups

Gymnasts from CG Les Marines de Calpe, qualified for the Spanish Championship of Base Groups

23 October 2024 - 16: 15

On Saturday 19th October, the six teams from CG Les Marines travelled to Almoradí to compete in the regional phase where the 15 places per category for the Spanish Youth Championship were allocated. This was one of the most important events on the calendar. Despite the tension, the six teams were up to the task, managing to be among the best in their category and making it to the national championship in November in Zaragoza. Achieving a historic milestone for the Club Les Marines and for the town of Calpe.

The members of the children's team were in charge of opening this intense day. Sophie, Paulina, Sofia, Julia, Mandana and Anastasia overcame the great tension of this championship and performed a wonderful five-ball exercise with which they qualified as seventh in the autonomous region.

Next, it was the turn of the club's veterans, Tatiana, Lucia, Ruth, Naiara, Valery and Luci. This time, their nerves got the better of them, causing them to make two mistakes, but they were able to overcome them unscathed. The great difficulty of their exercise made up for their mistakes and they had no problem getting their place, being ninth in the community.

After the tension of the exercises with apparatus, there came a moment of calm with the hands free of the prebenjamin and benjamin categories. The prebenjamin group formed by Isabella, Ainara, Eva, Sara and Ania executed a pass
brilliant. The young gymnasts performed a perfect competition that led them to be fifth in the autonomous region, coming very close to the podium.

On the other hand, the prebenjamin group of Valentina, Emma, ​​Lamar, Lucia and Rebecca, faced their first regional base competition, the little ones came out onto the mat very nervous and could not show their potential, even so they managed to get a place at the national competition.

To close this block, Les Marines had the participation of the under-10s team made up of Paula, Almudena, Zaira, Katya and Anjelina. For them this was the first official competition of the season, since they could not be present at the provincial competition due to injury. The under-10s demonstrated at their young age the great experience they have at this level and managed to be fifth in the autonomous community.

To finish the day, the juniors came out onto the mat determined to also get their pass. Daniela, Vera, Polina, Vasilisa and Alessia knew how to calm their nerves, they performed a magnificent exercise with great risk for their age. Although a small mistake prevented them from reaching higher positions, they placed ninth in the autonomous region and obtained their place for the nationals.

Finally, the Les Marines gymnast Katya Trukhacheva, member of the Riba Roja club's First Category group, managed to be one of the two best in the Valencian Community. She will therefore represent the region in the Spanish Group Cup.

With all this, the CG Les Marines will be present at the next Spanish Championship with 33 gymnasts, a historic milestone for Calp and for the club. They would like to thank the technical team, management, gymnasts, parents and sponsors for their effort, dedication and support to achieve this great feat. They also wish them good luck for the big event.

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