This January, a new edition of the Encuentraes a Beniarbeig 2025 cultural events will kick off, a well-established event that addresses topics of interest from innovative perspectives every year. This year, the central theme will be the relationship between “Science and Literature”, exploring how both disciplines intertwine and mutually enrich each other.
The series of conferences will feature the participation of leading experts and will take place between January and March. The conferences will take place, as usual, at the Beniarbeig Municipal Library, at 19:30 p.m. on the days indicated for each one. The scheduled conferences are detailed below:
Next you have an index with all the points that we are going to deal with.
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January 23: Martí Domínguez: «Science and Nazism»
In this lecture, Martí Domínguez will address the close relationship between the German university world and the emergence of Nazism. Far from being isolated cases, he will analyse how these ideas found surprising support in the German academic world, legitimising the violence and expansionist policies of the Third Reich. Concepts such as Lebensraum (“living space”) or Lebensborn (“source of life”) reflect how the teaching staff actively contributed to the consolidation of genocidal and racist policies, marking one of the darkest chapters in the history of humanity.
Martí Domínguez is a Valencian writer and essayist recognized for works such as The return of Voltaire y The spirit of time. He also directs the scientific magazine Mètode and is a professor of Journalism at the University of Valencia.
February 13: Xavier Duran: «Science in the novel and poetry: literature in the test tube»
In this talk, Xavier Duran will offer a surprising perspective: how science is present not only in science fiction, but also in works by classic authors such as Homer, Shakespeare or Proust. The conference will explore how writers from different eras described scientific and technological advances, demonstrating that science and literature benefit from each other.
Xavier Duran, a chemist and science journalist, has a prolific literary work that includes essays, popularization and narrative. He has been awarded multiple prizes and has recently published Cent literary visions on science and technology.
March 6: Carme Manuel: «Frankenstein: past and present of the myth of Mary Shelley»
In this lecture, Carme Manuel will analyse the social and literary impact of Frankenstein from its publication in 1818 to the present day. Mary Shelley's work addresses ethical and social issues, revealing the monsters created by society itself and questioning moral superiority. She will also discuss how film adaptations have altered the novel's original message.
Carme Manuel is a professor of English at the University of Valencia and a renowned translator, with works such as The Complete Poetry of Emily Dickinson and Flush by Virginia Woolf among her recent works.
March 27: Jordi de Manuel: «What science do we find in literature?»
Jordi de Manuel will close the conference with a global vision of how science appears in literature, from “fiction with science” to “science-fiction”. He will also reflect on the literary challenges that science poses in the 21st century, both at a social and creative level.
Jordi de Manuel, a doctor in biological sciences and writer, combines the genres of crime and science fiction in his work. He is the author of the Inspector Marc Sergiot saga and has received multiple awards, including three Ictineu Awards.