The PP of Calp proposes that four women from Calp give their names to streets, avenues or squares The PP of Calp proposes that four women from Calp give their names to streets, avenues or squares

The PP of Calp proposes that four women from Calp give their names to streets, avenues or squares

30 December 2024 - 10: 44

The Calpe People's Party will present a resolution proposal to the next plenary session so that four locations on the municipal street map will be named after outstanding Calpe women, with the aim of recognising their contribution to local history and society.

The initiative aims to pay tribute to female figures who, with their work and commitment, have contributed to the development and progress of Calpe. These names are just some of the many that could be proposed to pay tribute to the many Calpinos who have contributed to the development of Calpe's society.

The proposal, subject to being able to be extended, proposes the designation of streets, avenues or squares with the names of these women, in a gesture that seeks to make their legacy visible and valued in the Calp community. In addition, the PP
It also proposes that each location have a QR code so that detailed information can be consulted about the history and contributions of each of them, allowing residents and visitors to learn about their history and the impact they had on the social, cultural or economic development of Calpe.

The popular group considers this measure to be an important step towards balancing the representation of female names in the local street directory and to underline the fundamental role that many women have played in the cultural, social and economic life of Calpe.

Key women in Calp society

Among the proposals is Tere Mari Pastor, former Justice of the Peace and businesswoman, whose career has been linked for many years to the festive activities of Calpe together with his family, leaving an important mark on local traditions.

Another of the outstanding women is Violeta Rivera, first female mayor of the municipality and businesswoman, a pioneer in the local political arena as a member of the PSOE in Calpe, breaking barriers at a time when female representation in politics was scarce. The list also includes María Ferrer, an essential figure in the cultural, educational and solidarity fields. Ferrer has been President of the AECC-Local Council of Calpe Association and the Alicante Association for the Fight against Cancer-Calp, as well as the driving force behind the Pink March and numerous initiatives in support of cancer patients and their families. Her social dynamism is also evident as president of the Rotary Club and as the alma mater of the Xaranga La Xarlotà. In addition, she has trained generations of Calpinos as a music teacher, receiving the Medal of the Town for Cultural Merit for her dedication to the municipality.

Finally, the Popular Party proposes to recognize Antonia Pastor Pastor, the first female practitioner in the municipality, known and loved for her tireless health and social work. She was also a promoter of local customs and traditions, livening up the Old Town through artistic decorations and the creation of the Nativity scene in Plaza de España. For her dedication to the community, she received the Silver Medal for Citizen Merit in 2000.

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