Employment does not decrease: the Marina Alta maintains employment figures in the month of November Employment does not decrease: the Marina Alta maintains employment figures in the month of November

Employment does not decrease: the Marina Alta maintains employment figures in the month of November

16 December 2024 - 10: 42

The number of Social Security members remains stable in the Marina Alta. An atypical event in the eleventh month of the year, when what has been seen previously has been job losses. This breaks with what was expected, when the average recorded in the period 2020-2023 has been -802 members, or -700 members, from 2014 to 2019. This positive behavior of the penultimate month of the year has been lower than those recorded in the first half of the year, but better than that observed in the three preceding months.

Therefore, it marks the best November in the historical series and breaks with the previous streak in which two consecutive months were added where affiliations fell compared to their counterpart months in 2023. All in all, this month, 2 more affiliated people were reached to reach 61.604 employed people. Achieving that the unemployment rate is maintained
Below 12% (11,98%) and one of the lowest unemployment rates in the Valencian Community, 6,99% of people of working age are registered as job seekers.

Novembers in recent years have usually been marked by job cuts, as a result of intense reductions in the hospitality sector, due to the definitive end of the seasonal tourist campaign and the expectation of the Christmas campaign, so typical of the Marina Alta. The published figures seem to question this characteristic seasonal pattern, although it does occur in terms of job seekers. A slight growth in job seekers has been recorded, in line with what was observed in the Novembers of immediately preceding years (with the exception of November 2022 and '21 with falls in the number of unemployed people).

By sector, construction maintains a growth rate similar to that observed in previous months. An indicator of the good climate for construction is the monthly increase in membership, which has been very stable throughout the year, and even better in the second half of the year (this last month it grew by +28,4% compared to October).

By gender, the evolution of the November labour market remains stable. November leaves a difference of practically 40 more unemployed for each sex. With 76 more unemployed people over 25 years old and 6 unemployed people added among those under 25.

Finally, hiring in the Marina Alta has decreased significantly compared to the previous month (-515), but not in year-on-year terms (+147). With fewer temporary contracts compared to the previous month (-8,30%), but +2,76% more than in November 2023, and more permanent contracts, 7,93% more than at the end of November last year but -21,05% compared to last month.

According to data from the Marina Alta Observatory of CREAMA and PACTE'MA - a project subsidised by LABORA Valencian Employment and Training Service and by the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy, within the AVALEM TERRITORI programme of the Generalitat Valenciana -, the number of people affiliated 1 to Social Security in November behaved in a flat manner (it has varied by just 2 jobs with respect to October), breaking the negative trend of the previous month. All in all, November leaves the total number of affiliates at 61.606, a record figure for a month of November in the historical series.

If we compare the data on members at the state, regional and provincial levels, their performance is slightly less favourable, since in these territories membership has increased with respect to October by +0,06%, +1,24% and +0,52% respectively.

As for the number of job seekers, it increased by 82 people in November compared to October, reaching 8.388 applicants. A figure that, despite exceeding the records of the previous 6 months, remains at a lower value than the figures reached in the last 16 years. This is equivalent to a monthly increase of +0,99%, an increase in the number of applicants expected for that month in the series analysed. It should be noted that this increase is worse than that of 2023 (+62 unemployed people), that of 2022 (-597 people) and that of 2021 (-528). The figure is better than that of 2020, the year of the pandemic, when registered unemployment increased by 593 people; and also than the rest of the years, when this figure rose by 563 people on average in a month of November (period 2006-2019). Therefore, we have the second best data for a month of November in relative terms after the last 3 Novembers. However, in absolute terms, we are facing the best November since 2007 (6.480 applicants). This increase compared to October is higher than the variation registered in the Valencian Community, Alicante province and nationally (+0,02%, 0,41% and -0,62% respectively).

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