The CG Les Marines de Calp raises more than 3.000 euros in its Christmas charity gala for charitable causes The CG Les Marines de Calp raises more than 3.000 euros in its Christmas charity gala for charitable causes

The CG Les Marines de Calp raises more than 3.000 euros in its Christmas charity gala for charitable causes

12 December 2024 - 09: 34

La gala benéfica de Navidad organizada por el Club Gimnasia Les Marines de Calp congregó el pasado 4 de diciembre a más de 200 gimnastas provenientes de Calp, Benissa y Callosa d’en Sarrià en el auditorio de la Calp House of Culture. El evento permitió recaudar más de 3.000 euros destinados a la ONG Sambori y a la Fundación Infantil Casa Ronald McDonald de Valencia.

The gymnasts, from the youngest of just three and four years old, who are beginning their journey in rhythmic gymnastics, to the club's veterans, performed on stage the adventures of Clara and the Nutcracker in a performance full of emotion and creativity.

The club managed to fill the auditorium, selling out all tickets hours before the start of the event and raising more than 1.000 euros, which will be donated entirely to the aforementioned organizations.

In addition, thanks to the collaboration of more than 100 companies and anonymous donors, an additional donation of toys, Nintendo consoles and tablets was made for the children admitted to La Fe Hospital in Valencia this Christmas.

Club Gimnàstica Les Marines has expressed its enormous satisfaction for having contributed to the work of these NGOs. It has also thanked the involvement of all the gymnasts, their families and, in particular, the technical team and coaches, whose dedication was key to the organisation of this charity gala.

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