Two days of events to celebrate diversity "with pride" in Benitatxell Two days of events to celebrate diversity "with pride" in Benitatxell

Two days of events to celebrate diversity "with pride" in Benitatxell

27 June 2022 - 17: 44

Poble Nou de Benitatxell commemorates one more year the International LGTBIQ+ Pride Day. On June 28 and 29, the Department of Equality, Gender Policies and Diversity has scheduled a series of events to make sexual affective diversity visible and claim the rights of LGTBIQ+ people.

On Tuesday the activities will be aimed at the little ones with the storytelling 'Les meues dos mares mòmies' and a sheet metal workshop, which will take place from 11:00 on Raconet street. On Wednesday, the programming will take on a more formal tone with the conference 'Benitatxell with Pride: rights, diversity and democratic coexistence', which will begin at 19:00 p.m. on Llebeig Street and will feature a proud appeal, several presentations and a colloquium.

The proud appeal, by the City Council and the MACMA, will take a historical tour of diversity to this day. Then there will be the presentation 'Anti-discrimination law and prevention', with the participation of the LGTBI+ group 'VISIBLES' from Pego and Ernest G. Andujar, an OSCE-accredited trainer on diversity and Divers@ Police officer.

A storyteller, a sheet metal workshop, a proud appeal, presentations and a colloquium

The second presentation will be on 'LGTBIQ+ Diversity Rights', with the participation of Iracy Llinares, from Sexologists Without Borders Alicante, and Aaron Baviere, singer and activist for trans diversity. And it will close the cycle 'Social Protection of Diversity', by Encarna Mayordomo, member of SUMANT (Association of Mothers and Fathers of LGTB +).

The final touch to the day will be the colloquium 'Culture, memory, diversities and LGTBIQ+ coexistence rights', which will feature the participation and moderation of Víctor Bisquert, Councilor for Equality, Gender Policies and Diversity of the City Council and professor of Geography and History.

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