OPINION | Commit Teulada and Moraira
The year 2025 has already begun, but, contrary to what the good governance regulations determine and recommend, the PP has not yet approved the annual accounts for Teulada i Moraira. This situation implies that the 2024 budget remains extended. Having an absolute majority and not doing homework in a timely manner can only mean one thing: Raúl Llobell's government is a poor manager of all of our resources.
Ending the year without having approved the accounts means that, if they are approved, it will be late, and this has serious consequences: the new budgets will not be effective until well into the second quarter of 2025. This situation generates serious budgetary limitations for our town, since during the first months of the year it will not be possible to carry out projects that are not contemplated in the extended budget for 2024. But it seems that this does not worry in the least a government that, clearly, has no future project for Teulada i Moraira.
Let's think for a moment: what would happen if the manager of a private company with hundreds of employees and a budget of more than 20 million euros did not present the accounts on time? Without a doubt, he would be fired. Raúl Llobell, as mayor, has already accumulated four budgets presented after the deadline. This is not only ineffectiveness, but also a serious lack of respect towards the residents who trust and pay their politicians to guarantee responsible, planned and effective management.
We have seen many photos of the government participating in Christmas events, idyllic and personal images published on institutional profiles. But, between so many events and public displays, it seems that the government has not found time to do the homework that justifies its salaries at the end of the month.