Central Board of Moors and Christians of Pego
After the Moors and Christians festivities of Pego, the Coordinator passes on the evaluation of an exercise that has meant the achievement and consolidation of a project that saw the light of a Mig Any of 2020.
A fateful moment in which the Covid-19 pandemic began and what will happen when the beginning and the start of the new restructured program is soon to end. Amb l'any 2022 dam, after it is saturated, the Festa will have to renounce being able to control the captaincy, which is also going to be endarrerida pels mateixos motius. Així, not until the end of 2023 when the project in its entirety is going to be seen on the street, with all the roads and configurations, including the new figure of filà Ambaixadora, with Al-Hagamba Muza, and the Captaincy of the Almogàvers that per fi eixia on the street. With these details and the list of possible millionaires for 2024, the Coordinator began the process of consolidating the project in the second stage on the street.
These are the vertiginous moments in which the meetings, both with the Coordinator and with the 2024 criminal files - Inquisitors and Al-Hagamba Muza - are held week after week, and also with coordination with the municipal agents involved - Police Local and Regidoria de Festes, mainly. Tot perquéè els four dies de Moros i Cristians eixira tot perfecte, almenys attempt to approach the perfection so desitjada. The surprise came with the publication in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana, on June 12, 2024, in which we finally obtained the declaration of Festival of Autonomous Tourist Interest. A name that sees most of a project that revises the Festa from its origin, which is based on the musical heritage of the Music Bands, declared Bé of Cultural Interest, and which is reinvented from the The classical tradition of the Festa dels Moros i Cristians, is based on the documentation of the Municipal Archive from the end of the XNUMXth century and the beginning of the XNUMXth century. The Declaration could not arrive at a better time to demonstrate and claim that the feina ben feta the true reward.
In addition, in addition to the novelty, it is now possible to sell numbered online tickets, in which 1100 tickets are available, distributed between Plaça del Mercat and Carrer Sant Agustí, and a grand hall with capacity for 877 people. It makes it easier for a large number of visitors to agree to buy tickets from other municipalities, with people visiting from Ontinyent, Cocentaina, Xàbia, Olive, Dénia, Alcoi and an elevated name for European tourists. The expectation and online mobilization was such that within a few days the website of the Moros i Cristians de Pego will receive a total of 6.185 visits.
The organization has carried out both sales and general public assistance and has managed to organize a total of 8.390 spectators during the four days of the Festival, but more and more the reproductions of the live shows have surpassed 27.000 spectators. , a figure that leaves no doubt and demonstrates once again the overcoming and consolidation of the Moors and Christians of Pego and of his project.
In addition to the public attendance, as regards the most festive event, the carrer has three and mobilized more than 4.900 people parading in the entrances and participating in the different acts performed, of which the musicians and the musicians have participated on behalf of 2.120 music, a very clear bet on musical talent and the cultural value that music has in the capital of the Festa.
Regarding the day to day of each act and a balance of programming has followed any absolute excellence in all its spheres.
The Festa de Moros i Cristians started said, on the day of the Vespra, because with the saying of the proverb, sense vespra no hi ha festa, at midnight with the informal fence that announced the beginning of everything and that will conclude the cabila of the captain row Al-Hagamba Muza. Already at evening, at 19.00:13 p.m. it was time for the entry of Bandes, who upon arrival will perform in a solemn and impeccable manner thepasdoble of Mestre Albero "Villa de Pego", which could be considered a festive hymn. of the population. Finally, the conegudes “Voltetes” begin, in which at the rhythm of pasdoble they allow the XNUMX rows of gaudir dels pasdobles festers with large crowds of both festers and local audiences.
At 7.00:500 a.m. in the morning with the bells marking the hour, the Diana begins, a simple and elegant act in which each time more and more people attend, with 4 people attending the musical and colored spectacle They offer 7.00 new rows of pegolines: Al-Hagamba Muza, Feixucs, Ha-Ben Sahines and Coscolls. From 19.00:3 a.m. in the morning to 1238:1276 p.m. in the evening, there was only one entrance to l'Ambaixada, an original idea of the Coordinating Board that has announced it in full format and timetables and of those that are full of congratulations. The Ambaixada was performed live by the Beniatjar band and consisted of a silent representation of the pact, revolt, dam of the castles and definitive surrender of al-Azraq to Jaume I, and which was performed by all the members of the bands together. càrrec d'aquest any, who as if they speak, they will appear at Pla de la Font consecutively alçats a muscles per la seua filada. Apotheosic moments that provide the perfect preview for the representation of the historical Ambaixada, divided into 10 musical acts and of which the off-screen view of the Pegolí actor, Jordi Garcia Roldán, contextualizes the historical events that from 230 am The conquest of València by Jaume I, ends in XNUMX with the death of al-Azraq in Alcoi, tingueren lloc in these lands and in these castles. The final moment of the Ambaixada is the finale of XNUMX members of each row who emerge to form a parade battalion, which joins the row of the captain and the last one to pay homage to the row of ambassadors, the mistress and lady of the castle fester, XNUMX festers and festers flood the Pla de la Font, while the Marxian “Moments de festa” plays and two castles of artificial lights shoot out.
And if the event takes place on the streets and the Pla de la Font is attended by the public, with 2.100 people, the event will also be historic, with a low estimate of 3.290 people attending, who complete the entire trip in order to arrive at the Pla of the Font. To be a very powerful entry with more than 2.400 participants between festivities, pageants and music, the entry starts from the punctual starter with a clock at 19.00:22.30 p.m. in the evening and the last line to the Passeig ends at 3,5:XNUMX p.m., XNUMX XNUMX dizzying hours in which the organization will function compactly and without fissures, thanks to the joint effort of the Coordinator and the organizers of each row who will pose the spirit for the best entry of Moros i Cristians that has tingut I stick to the length of the old story, both in terms of organization, as well as public assistance and quality in everything that will be part of it: costumes, music, make-up, pageantry, careers, etc. Celebration in pure state and in the name of the president. The entire Coordinating team has expressed great satisfaction with the result, fruit of all the support of the people and members of the ranks who have worked hard because of this The project and idea of Festa is to turn it into reality.
The final culmination at the top begins with a multitudinous Youth Entry in which 280 festivals and xiquets will participate, with 60 festivals and celebrations that they will accompany and 200 musicians. With 2.000 people in attendance with the public and with the historical news as well as the presence of captain Juanjo Bolufer Femenia, who will once again wear the new Welsh millers and I went to the party with the cart to see the output of the menus and menus .
Enguany also com a novetat l'Escola de Música va traure vora 25 xiquets that amb percussió and sota the baton of the teacher Laura, costumes of smugglers form part of the historical follow-up accompanying the gegants and amb els that the public is not going to get tired of 'applaud during all the journey.
Finally, the captain returned to wait for all the menudes to deliver them a very special gift, a set of books by Paco Pascual and a list of cards, all related to the past history and origin of the festivals, which It maintains a close relationship with the history and pageantry of the Captaincy of the Aquest to the motto "Some different festivals." A final climax to festivities that have turned out to be magnificent in all its aspects and an ending that is not available for reasons or reasons. The xiquets and the xiquetes are a fundamental part of this entire history, they are the most powerful action that has the festive community and the only action capable of mobilizing 2.000 people because the day of festivals, the streets will once again be full of rubber to gom. Because the future is the whole and for everyone to live in the circle of the past so much the festivals and contagion to their country of joy and energy to the whole public assisting with the sols of childhood and young people.