The Calpe Club has achieved an outstanding performance in the Regional Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship, qualifying five teams and one set for the Spanish Team Championship and the 2nd Phase of the Spanish Absolute Set Cup. In total, the club has won 14 medals: 10 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze.
Team Benjamin (Liza Voloshina and Aprelia Kolobneva): Regional Champions
- Liza Voloshina: Autonomous Champion in hands-free
- Aprelia Kolobneva: Regional Rope Champion
Alevín Team (Olga Zyablova, Sofía Shakhanova and Victoria Ureche): Regional Champions
- Olga Zyablova: Regional Hands-Free Champion
- Sofía Shakhanova: Regional Ball Champion
- Victoria Ureche: Regional Champion in clubs
CALPE B Children's Team (Anna María Lebedeva, Ada Ivchenko and Kaori Castellanos): Regional Runners-up
- Anna María Lebedeva: Regional Rope Champion
- Ada Ivchenko: Third Autonomous Region in hoop
- Kaori Castellanos: Fourth Autonomous Community in clubs
CALPE A Children's Team (Ainhoa Abad and Taissia Riabtceva): Regional Quarterfinals
- Ainhoa Abad: Regional runner-up in rope
- Ainhoa Abad: Fourth Autonomous Region in hoop
- Taissia Riabtceva: Seventh Regional in clubs
Senior Team (Elba Navarro, Stella Galstyan and Nicol Bisbal): Regional Champions
- Elba Navarro: Sixth Autonomous Region in clubs
- Stella Galstyan: Regional runner-up in ball
- Nicol Bisbal: Regional Champion on tape
The junior team is classified in first place to represent the Valencian Community in the 2nd Phase of the Spanish Cup for Absolute Teams.
The Calpe Club celebrates these successes and congratulates all its gymnasts on the competition. She also thanks coaches Montse and Xus Soria for their dedication and the families for their continued support.