Opinion of Simón Ortolá (Cs Pego): «This government team has us accustomed to the policy of“ bread for today, hunger for tomorrow ”»August 30th, 2021
The candidacy of Maria José García (Dénia) and Aitor Llobell (Teulada-Moraira) of MÉS-Compromís Marina Alta wins the electionsAugust 01th, 2021
The councilor of Compromís Benissa, Mari Carme Ronda, announces her candidacy to head the Regional SecretaryJuly 28, 2021
Maria José García (Dénia) and Aitor Llobell (Teulada-Moraira) join forces to direct MÉS-Compromís Marina AltaJuly 26, 2021
Compromís asks for the powers of the railway network to run the Gandia-Dénia train due to the lack of will of the Central GovernmentJune 22th, 2021
Cross accusations between PP and Compromís in the Diputación: Fullana and Perles against Mazón (and vice versa)June 02th, 2021
PSOE and Compromís accuse the PP of the Provincial Council of leaving the Marina Alta without 10,5 million eurosApril 26th 2021